Saturday, May 22, 2010


We have this odd habit of always being early for church. It happens because of four things.
1- our clocks are set 10 min. fast
2- I hate being late for anything
3- we live 5 min. from church
4- our children wake us up around 7:30am (it wasn't always that way, we use to get up at 9am and still we were always early)
It usually turns out that we are between the 1st and 3rd family to arrive and sometimes when we are the 1st we drive around to waste time. I always find it amusing when people around me complain about not being able to get to church on time. I don't see the problem! :-)
I have discovered something that helps us on Sunday mornings. Sundays is the only day of the week that I 'have' to be somewhere at a certain time (unless we go away during the week, but that doesn't happen all the time) so I always get ready for Sunday mornings before they happen. I don't look at Sunday mornings as a sleeping in day (though I have slept in some Sundays) I have a set schedule to how my Sunday mornings go, this is it.
Bryan or I get the girls dressed first thing when they get up. I like to lay the girls clothes out the night before so that it is easier for Bryan.
Then I do hair either while they are eating, or before or after it depends on if we are running late.
Our breakfast use to always be waffles with a little bit of honey or syrup, no drips no mess. We grew tired of waffles all the time and have switched to bagels with butter and a very little bit of jam. Again no drips no mess. I find getting the girls dressed first gives us more time but then you have to be careful what you feed them for breakfast.
Then they get shoes on.
Bryan and I take turns getting dressed before and after breakfast, depends on who gets the girls dressed. We never take showers Sunday morning and I usually ask Bryan to shave Saturday night. I never curl my hair Sunday morning, I do it Saturday night, if I do it at all. Of course there are exceptions, but this is the norm.
We like to walk to church when the weather is nice so we have to leave between 9:15 and 9:25am. If we drive we leave at 9:30-45.
If you remember our clocks are are 10 or so min. fast so really we are leaving earlier and there for arrive earlier. I never think about our clocks being ahead when we are getting ready, like I said I like to be early or on time. I am very particular about being somewhere when I say I am. But don't worry it doesn't bother me when others aren't like that. :-)
I like being early as part of getting ready to sit down in church, is everyone going to the washroom, and since we only have 2 washrooms and our family has 3 girls, it can take time. But since we are one of the first families to arrive we get it first. Bryan always takes the girls while I get the baby ready.
So there you have it, our Sunday morning routine.
The funny thing is, it seems that we are late every time we are greeters!! :-)

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