Friday, December 9, 2011

I can't seem to figure out how to upload pictures on my parents computer it just doesn't want to work. Maybe when I am here with Bryan he can try it for me! Sorry for the lack of pictures!
Life has been rather interesting lately! I finally have taken the plunge to figure out what is wrong with me (being tired all the time, having headaches, and other things). I went off wheat 2 months ago hoping for the wonderful transformation I have heard and read about! The first 2 weeks I had really bad headaches almost every day so after those 2 weeks I also went of sugar, well, white sugar. I still eat fruit and honey. The bad headaches went away after those first 2 weeks but then I just went back to my normal headaches and tiredness. So 2 weeks ago I went off milk. This last week has been another bad one with being extra tired and some stomach issues that I would rather not go into detail on a blog :-). So I am going to go back on milk since we drink raw milk anyway and it is really hard going off wheat, sugar, and dairy! Please don't feel sorry for me though, I am not complaining. I have actually enjoyed trying new foods and eating healthier, I just wish it helped. I am to the point now that I must be missing out on certain vitamins or nutrients and am doing some research on that now. I have lost most of the extra weight I put on from the pregnancy, but I am not sure I am losing the fat that I want. There are so many things to figure out and unfortunately I don't seem to be like most people! :-) I am determined to figure this out and if the next month still doesn't go well then I will go to a specialist. I do hope I will feel better one day, it was when my girls started mentioning to me that I am 'always tired" that I really wanted to work towards feeling better. I want to enjoy my girls and take care of them and not always be tired and warn out.
Some good things are happening at our home! We bought the girls an early new years present (we don't do Christmas at our house) and it was a trampoline! They love it, well the three oldest and have been out there every day it hasn't rained! Bryan went to work early on Black Friday to stop at Canadian Tire to buy the trampoline (we decided to just get a cheap one for now as a cheap one is better then no trampoline) but they were all sold out so he called me and told me there were 2 left in Blenheim so if I wanted one then I had to go. So I told the girls that if they wanted a trampoline we had to get dressed fast and go and have breakfast when we got back! They were thrilled, I think the excitement of having to go right away and be "fast" made it even more exciting! Thankfully they still had 2 left when we got there and we were able to take it home! It made for a very exciting day!
I got an early new years present last night from Bryan, some Dickens movies, Bleak House (which we have seen and really enjoyed), The Curiosity Shop (we watched last night and it was good too), Oliver Twist (haven't seen) and another one that I can't remember the name of, which I have not seen. We have been enjoying some BBC movies lately.
Despite all that has been going on with me not feeling well, we have enjoyed some home school event and getting to know some home school families. We are looking forward to the new year and getting together more with them. Bryan and I don't really have any friends that live close to us or in our church but I think we might just find some new friends in our home school group and also there is a new family joining our church that are part of the home school group and only live 3 min. away that we are enjoying getting to know and have kids our kids age.
I have to go as it is time to pick up the oldest 2 from piano lessons, I really hope I will be able to get some pictures on here soon, they really turned out so nice!!