Tuesday, August 6, 2013

May Camping

I have had these pictures ready to post since the week after we went camping but have never come back to write and then post our camping adventures. So better late then never.......lets see if I can remember what all happened that weekend!
So back...way back on the Victoria Day long weekend we decided to back up and head to the USA for a weekend of camping. It had been a long time since we used our trailer, but I was happy to find that the spiders had not taken it over. Actually the camper was pretty clean. We never used our camping last year as I was too sick with the pregnancy. We had beautiful weather, it actually got pretty hot. The only down fall was I had prepared for cold weather with our meals like soups and stews and it was too hot to eat that. We ended up having just cereal one night! Here I thought I was doing so well because I had made all the meals up before hand!!
Our Ellia boo, she did so well! I was worried that she would keep running off but she stayed pretty close by. No one camped to close to us, I wonder if seeing all the children made them stay away!! So the girls had a couple camp sites to play on.
Our Joel......what a cutie and so very sweet, I could just kiss those cheeks all day long!! He was as good as gold and a delight to take with!!
A game of Risk one afternoon. Bryan loves playing games with the girls. He is very patient with them, I am usually too busy with the little ones to play. This time I did try to sit down, but if I remember correctly this game ended with Bryan and Victoria as I had to keep my eye on Ellia and feed Joel and the other girls got bored and went off to do other things.
An afternoon (well only a few hours) at the beach on Sunday. When I booked the camp ground I looked up a church for us to attend and found a little Baptist church close by. It was fun to visit as the congregation was very friendly. The service was very different then what we are use to, but the love was the same. We had driven by a beautiful splash pad on the way to church but it was not opened yet so we went to the tiny beach at the campground.

A few of these big boats went by, causing some nice waves for the girls to play in.

This was the first time Bryan and I just sat and watched our girls play at the beach. It was really nice!! The girls met a couple of new friends and had fun playing in the waves and making sandcastles.

Cassia master riding a bike with training wheels and would ride back and forth between our campsite and the one next to us. She was pretty proud of herself and very disappointed that we would never let her bike when we went for family bike rides. She is not fast enough for that yet!
I sure do love our excersaucer! All of our kids have loved it and it is great for taking camping!! Lets see...........Joel would have been about 4 months here!
Nursing again!! I do feel like I nurse a lot, though it has slowed down now that he is eating more solids. I like the pictures as I know one days I will miss all the times I had to sit down to feed one of our babies!
It is never too soon to learn to read right Joel!!
Here is what a end up with on the camera when the girls are using it in the basement! Some fun wacky pictures! I enjoy letting them take the camera and snap pictures and videos of what they see and do.
Look really close at what Ellia is wearing. One beautiful Sunday morning we arrive at church and I opened the van door to behold my youngest daughter wearing a rubber boot on one foot and a shoe on the other and both are for the left foot!! Everyone got a good chuckle seeing her walking around church that Sunday and they still talk about it!! Note to self : check foot wear before going anywhere!
There ends the month of May. I am in the middle or I guess nearing the end of a painting project and we already started some school. I will try to get some pictures up again soon, more recent ones as Joel has really changed and is growing so quickly! Life is pretty busy though! Some days go really well and I think I am finally catching up and then I fall behind. I am appreciating having older girls and the help that they are. I am trying to rely on them more and train them up. The other day Moriah said to me "I can't wait to go to college" I looked at her a little surprised, we don't really talk about that. She went on "yep, I want to be a mother, I am going to go to college for that." Then looking at me not sure of herself " Do you have to go to college to be a mother??" I told her that she doesn't even need to go to college to be a mother, I could teach her even that!! :-) Lord willing all my girls will get to be Mothers some day!! Despite all the hard work it is very enjoyable!!