Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Duggars

I tired to upload a picture of the famous family of now 19 children, but could not figure it out! So here is a picture of Moriah while watching the Duggars! She was really tired, that day, I don't want you to think that we find the Duggars boring! If you have been around our family in the past few months you will know how much we love the Duggars! Lately Victoria has been walking around the house repeating their family motto "buy used save the difference" over and over! The girls love to go through the list of this kids names at the begining of every episode and their very favorite thing to play is.........Jim Bob and Michelle!! They do so almost every day and anywhere. We were in WalMart a few days ago and I heard Alicia say to Victoria, "here Jim Bob you can hold the baby now". They way they decide who is who, is very simple. Whoever is wearing a skirt is Michelle and whoever wears pants is Jim Bob. Sometimes they play Josh and Anna or some of the other children, but again whoever is wearing a skirt is a girl and whoever is wearing pants is a boy, as in the Duggar family, you probably already figured it out, girls always wear skirts! Even Bryan enjoys watching this family and has commented to me how easy raising 4 children seems compared to 19! I always feel like I need to mention to people, while I am talking about the Duggars, that we in no way hope to have 19 children. We enjoy watching this godly family but are not trying to be just like them. We have picked up a few things from them, like we now do family worship in the girls room just before bed instead of at supper. This has been such a blessing for our family as it is not rushed and we really enjoy sitting together at the end of the day singing and reading God's word and then praying. I also enjoy their money saving tips and am about to try out some homemade laundry detergent!
Something that I especially enjoy about this family is that they apply the Bible to every aspect of their life, they don't pick and chose. They have lots of children becuase they know God will take care of their needs and that children are a blessing, they have no debt becuase the Bible says owe no many anything but love. They help the poor and they reach out to those in need, even the orphans. They are such a refreshing, loving family. Another tip that I picked up on from this family is the mother, Michelle,'s, gentle and quiet spirit. I read in their book that instead of raising her voice when her children were misbehaving she lowered her voice , to almost a whisper. I have been putting this into practise along with encouraging words and what a difference it has made in me and my girls. We are all happier and more joyful. It isn't always easy, but it does make loving the girls and be patient a lot easier. Another thing that sticks out about this family is that though they teach their children to behave and have selfcontrol, they also realize that kids need to be kids. They let them run around and play, Michelle doesn't mind the noise! I probably need to work on that a bit more!! And I don't have 6 boys all one year apart running around! Ofcourse this family is not perfect, but they are encouraging in the things of the Lord.
We asked our girls were we should go for our familhy vacation this year and guess what they said!? "Lets go visit the Duggars"
So if you have never heard of this family or watched their show, I would greatly recommend it as a wonderful family show! Now that we are taking a break from the internet and won't be able to watch them on youtube we are buying the seasons, so you are welcome to borrow them anytime!
If you have watched this family, what do you think of them! You know I have only had one comment, but I would love to have more, so feel free to tell me what you think!! :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I just cancelled our internet service, so I probably won't be blogging much. I hope to still post once in a while at my mom's. Bryan and I decided to take a break from the internet world, it seems that our family has kind of been revolving around this internet lately! It is amazing what you can find on line, but it is also time consuming. We might be back again in a few months, we will wait and see!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

While Mommy Makes Supper

While I was busy making supper tonight the girls were quietly coloring on the floor. They were very excited about it and doing their best to stay in the lines. Our home is not always quiet and cozy, but at this moment it was so I just had to take a picture. Our small kitchen is not something I often enjoy, but tonight I did. It was nice to have the girls close, to have them at my feet busily working away, to have the babes eatting cherrios in her high chair, and to have Moriah busy playing with....well I am not sure what she was playing with! (not sure if that is good:-))
Alicia has always enjoyed coloring, but Victoria always passes over it in her school books. I don't think coloring needs to be done if she doesn't want to. Tonight was different she was happy to color and was staying in the lines better then ever before. Whenever the girls do something that I get excited about and exclaim over how well they are doing it (example: washing their hair) they ask to call Beppe (my mom) and tell her how good they did! It is a great incentive for them to do well, and I know Beppe loves to hear from them.

Here is a picture of my dear sweet baby who as of only a few days ago, does not need her mother anymore! My nursing days with her are almost over, I am happy and sad! She loves her goats milk in a sippy cups and loves to eat, her favorite are baby cookies and cheerios.

Here is Alicia calling Beppe and telling her all about her coloring and everything that happend today (even though we had just gotten back from spending the afternoon at Beppe's). I thought I would take the opportunity to show off our new cupboards!

Here is a close up of our counter top and our new 10month old!! Isn't she just the cutest baby girl ever!! We love her to bits and bits! She LOVES her sisters and gets so excited when she hers them coming. Her favorite is when they play peek a boo with her! Tonight she also loved the camera and kept smiling everytime I pointed it at her!!
Now Bryan is home so I am going to go spend sometime with him. He has been gone a lot on service calls the last few days! Even out until 2:30am Sunday! I think I will grab some Smartie Ice Cream (that we bought for the girls :-)) and head downstairs to watch the hockey game with him. I have read, in a few books now, that wives should show an interest in what their husband likes, so I better go try that bit of advice out!

A Walk on Water

This past Saturday Bryan played out door hockey and I took the girls to the lake to see the ice. Aunt Brandy came with too, we had alot of fun. It was neat to see the snow and ice, it also brought back memories of when my parents would take me and my siblings. The above picture is proof that Cassia was there too! Just so she doesn't feel left out in years to come. She slept in the storchenweige most of the time.
We mostly walked along the beach as I was not wearing boots and was a little nervous about someone falling in the water. Moriah looked so cute walking behind everyone with her hands in her pocket. Her fear of ice is not only at an area but also little patches along the beach. Aunt Brandy did manage to get her to see the fun in trying to crack the ice!

Alicia kept asking me to take her picture when ever they climbed on a mountain of snow! Moriah refused to climb up!

The girls had fun walking through puddles. They had all just bought new rubber boots with the Christmas money the week before.

I was a little jealous that I didn't have rubber boots, I would have loved to jump into some puddles!

Some more ice and water.

We did walk out a little ways at the end of our walk, so that if my feet got wet it wouldn't matter. Moriah was too afraid so Aunt Brandy carried her, but the other girls enjoyed the adventure! What a fun day we had and what beautiful weather to be outside!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sleeping Arrangements

Sometimes I am not sure why we have a bed for each girl. They love to share and we love to peek in on them! It is so sweet to see sleeping children after such a busy, noisy day. Lately Victoria is always in Alicia's bed. Moriah only joins them once in a while. It use to be that Alicia was always in Victoria's bed. Then for awhile Moriah was always in with Victoria. They seem to like to switch it up, who is with who and in what bed! One night Victoria wet Alicia's bed, went and changed her pajamas and joined Moriah. It seems that Victoria does not like being alone!
I don't mind them sharing, but lately Victoria and Moriah have been taking turns joining Bryan and I in the very early morning. For a few nights we just tossed which ever one between us and fell back asleep, but now it is getting annoying. They are starting squirm and kick and it is just not comfortable. I am not sure what to do to get them to stop as I don't feel up to diciplining so early in the morning, so I have contemplated offereing candy to the girls who stay in their beds ALL night! I think that jsut might work! I wonder what it will be like when Cassia is bigger........

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Moriah Nursing Her Baby

My first attempt at a video:

Here is Moriah nursing her baby! Our neighbor, Katy, uses a shawl when she nurses. That is why Moriah is using her shawl. It is really cute to see the girls nurse their babies! In the background Alicia is trying to put my storchenwiege on, notice how long it is at her feet! I ended up cutting some other material into wraps for the girls to use with their dolls! It was pretty cute walking around WalMart all carrying our babies in our wraps!!

The New Kitchen

This is a backwards, so here is the almost finished product. We still have some trim to finish up, but we love our new kitchen! It is so beautiful and the pull outs make it easier to be organized!
I spent 2 full days mudding, sanding and painting! It was my first experience with drywall! There are a few spots that I need to fix up, or cover with decorations! :-) I was very thankful that my mom could have the oldest 3 girls while I was in the middle of this disaster!
Dust Everywhere!!

Here the cupboards are partly out, I was pretty excited to get going!
This is the before picture where the fridge and stove are.
This is the before picture from the other side and Alicia busy working! I will have to take a few more after pictures once the trim is done and I have it decorated.

The Begining

I feel like my first post should be something worth while, but since I am not sure what I am doing, it won't be much!
I am excited to have joined the world of bloggers and can't wait to get started! I am sure I will post often at the begining and slowly less and less, but who knows!!
The purpose of the blog is so friends and family far away can see what our family is up to and how much our little girls are growing! And for me to look back on and see how much the girls have changed!
So here goes!!