Thursday, July 29, 2010

Excitment in our home.....

Our dear Cassia is little sister to 3............. And soon to been big sister to 1...............

For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:13&14

We find it so fitting that our family is in the middle of memorizing Psalm 139, we read this chapter to our girls and asked them what they thought their surprise was. After a little questioning they realized that Mommy had a baby in her tummy, and they couldn't be happier. We are so excited to be welcoming a new baby into our family the begining of April 2011. What a wonderful blessing from God.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Pioneer Village

We had been looking forward to this day for a long time! We had come up with the idea to go way back in the spring, and here it was June already! Our party had grown by 4 families, we had 9 adults (2 dads) and 16 children (under 6 years old) and one baby in the oven! I was busy ironing the girls outfits the night before and couldn't help but think of Ma from LHOTP and how would have done the same for her girls if they were going somewhere special! I had never been to the London Pioneer Village and since I had invited everyone I was really hoping it would be nice! It turned out to be just right for the age of children we had as it wasn't too big or too small. There were a few school groups that we had to work around and we did get a sprinkling of rain but in all I think everyone had a great time! The above is the first house we went into and it was the most like LHOTP so for my girls I think it was the most exciting. It was one room with a little loft, us mothers couldn't help but think how easy it would be to keep such a small house clean! But then the thought of laundry, cooking, and other farm chores made us thankful for the homes we have with washing machines, dishwashers and a grocery store close by!
I was trying to get a picture of just my girls but my nephew Noah had to join in too! He is the closet thing to a brother that my girls have!

Here is a picture of me with my girls! I was planning on taking Cassia (as she had a cute pioneer outfit too) but when we got up that morning she had a fever and looked sick. My mom babysat her for me a few other families didn't take their babies either. I ended up being very thankful that I didn't take Cassia as I was busy helping my neighbor keep track of her boys who run in three different directions!

Here are most of the kids in the school house. It was pretty easy to stay together and the kids seem to like to be free to run from building to building.

I think this is Gideon checking out the duck. The kids really enjoyed the few animals.

Victoria was pretty excited to be wearing her pioneer outfit. She is such a joy to our family definitely a 1st born. I am sure we are going to enjoy many more years watching this little girl grow into a woman!

Here we are checking out some more animals! Looking at these pictures reminds me of just how many little ones we had! I think I can safely say all the mothers were tired and ready to go home, but the kids could have run a few more laps of the village!

Little Caleb was more then happy to enjoy watching the tractor (of course if I had a son I would probably know the right name for this tractor) and was sorry to leave it. It is such a blessing to have neighbors with 4 boys, we really get a taste of what boys are all about. Caleb is such a sweet quiet little boy and the other day when he was over I saw him reach into our play car seat and pretend to pick up a baby and then he gentle was talking to the imaginary baby. It was the cutest sight ever and I wish I had had my camera to capture it!

Taking a break for a sucker and game of checkers. The day before we came I had told the girls if they cleaned their bedroom up quickly they could have their own money to buy a candy the next day at the village. So they did earn this piece of candy!

Oh the innocence of children! Erin and I are happy to see our children playing and enjoying each others friendship as we have for many years!

The last stop.......The Printing Press. Note to self: many children under 6...........stay out of printing press shop! Caleb got ink all of his hand, we didn't care for the printers 'jokes', and for some reason little boys don't understand the staying behind the counter! I guess that is what memories are made of!! :-)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My Dear Cassia is growing up! She is such a joy to our family now more then ever. She was my fussiest baby and a true mommy's girl. But she has outgrown both of those and is very pleasant and sweet! She plays so well especially when her sister aren't around to bug her. She jibber jabbers just like Victoria did, makes us wonder if she will be a 'talker' like Victoria! She is starting to say some words, her favorite is Mommy. She says mommy over and over again and comes over to me and looks at me waiting for me to look her in the eye and then she jabbers away. She is walking very well now and despite what others say, I love having a baby that walks before 18 months!! She isn't wearing out her clothes like her sisters did! With growing up comes exploring and seeing what mommy will do if she disobeys! I always find it hard diciplining a baby.....well even my older girls! I suppose no mother actually enjoys it! I am reading "Don't Make Me Count To Three" right now, and it seems very insightful! I highly recommened it. She quotes Tedd Trip alot! Back to Cassia, she is a stubborn little munchkin, but such a sweet one too! Check out the pictures below....I bet you will think she is sweet too!Here she is sporting her first 'piggy tails' not that they lasted too long! Before she was born I was kind of hoping for a boy so that I wouldn't have another head of hair to do, but baby hair is the most fun!!
And her is her wonderful smile! Oh, what a cutie!

Our summer is flying by, most of our vacations are done and now I am into cleaning, organizing, pitching, and painting. I took a van load of stuff to Bibles for Missions and filled up the garbage can, that was only the storage room and sewing room. Oh, and a few toys, but don't tell the girls! They got these stuffed dogs for Christmas from Bryan's Grandmother that look like Bratz dogs! I quickly got rid of the clothes and shoes right away. Since the girls were at my mom's today I got rid of the dogs too! In the garbage they went! It feels so good to cleanup and clean out! I am painting the trim in the kitchen and I had some holes to patch in a few rooms! We hope to go camping one more time in September. After that we will be busy getting in to the school routine!