Monday, September 14, 2020

Homeschool Camping

 Ah, the favorite camping trip of the year: Homeschool Camping.

It was the best! Most of the pickle fam (people I worked with this summer) were there, so that made it very fun!

It was much colder than our Family Camping, but great nonetheless. I hung out with the girls, I even went fishing at 6:30am Tuesday morning. That was cold. I, unfortunately, didn't catch anything. But at least I got second breakfast! A routine I daily kept, unless it was too close to lunch. Then I had second lunch 😋 which is also great 😂! Many of us ate second breakfast, especially when we went fishing.

But it was a beautiful day, and this was at about 8am! 

A waterhole in the dock.

V brought a book. At first I was with the girls, then went back to
 get the camera and joined some of the Cowans and Zach (from the pickle fam).
Zach is the photobomber.

It became very dark and it was quite pretty too.

All in all, homeschool camping was great fun! There was almost nothing I would've wanted to change. One morning we decided to wake up early to go to the beach (just us older teens), and ended up staying on a campsite, most of us wrapped in blankets, talking. It was extremely cold, well, for Homeschool camping, it was. But Grandma M gave me hot chocolate, and that was nice..
One night, it was just 3 of us girls and we listened to comedy for a while, then I went to a different campsite where everyone was and was there till about 11:30pm. (Our curfew was supposed to be at 10:30-11:00, but one of the moms came to get her children, and we got the memo that it was late!) That night, we decided that the next morning we would wake up early to go to the beach, but ended up staying on a campsite, most of us wrapped in blankets, talking. It was extremely cold, well, for Homeschool camping, it was. But Grandma M gave me hot chocolate, and that was nice. Then eventually I warmed up and we all had much fun. 
Later we sadly parted ways, and went home. That was a sad part. But it was nice to come home too!