I can't seem to figure out how to upload pictures on my parents computer it just doesn't want to work. Maybe when I am here with Bryan he can try it for me! Sorry for the lack of pictures!
Life has been rather interesting lately! I finally have taken the plunge to figure out what is wrong with me (being tired all the time, having headaches, and other things). I went off wheat 2 months ago hoping for the wonderful transformation I have heard and read about! The first 2 weeks I had really bad headaches almost every day so after those 2 weeks I also went of sugar, well, white sugar. I still eat fruit and honey. The bad headaches went away after those first 2 weeks but then I just went back to my normal headaches and tiredness. So 2 weeks ago I went off milk. This last week has been another bad one with being extra tired and some stomach issues that I would rather not go into detail on a blog :-). So I am going to go back on milk since we drink raw milk anyway and it is really hard going off wheat, sugar, and dairy! Please don't feel sorry for me though, I am not complaining. I have actually enjoyed trying new foods and eating healthier, I just wish it helped. I am to the point now that I must be missing out on certain vitamins or nutrients and am doing some research on that now. I have lost most of the extra weight I put on from the pregnancy, but I am not sure I am losing the fat that I want. There are so many things to figure out and unfortunately I don't seem to be like most people! :-) I am determined to figure this out and if the next month still doesn't go well then I will go to a specialist. I do hope I will feel better one day, it was when my girls started mentioning to me that I am 'always tired" that I really wanted to work towards feeling better. I want to enjoy my girls and take care of them and not always be tired and warn out.
Some good things are happening at our home! We bought the girls an early new years present (we don't do Christmas at our house) and it was a trampoline! They love it, well the three oldest and have been out there every day it hasn't rained! Bryan went to work early on Black Friday to stop at Canadian Tire to buy the trampoline (we decided to just get a cheap one for now as a cheap one is better then no trampoline) but they were all sold out so he called me and told me there were 2 left in Blenheim so if I wanted one then I had to go. So I told the girls that if they wanted a trampoline we had to get dressed fast and go and have breakfast when we got back! They were thrilled, I think the excitement of having to go right away and be "fast" made it even more exciting! Thankfully they still had 2 left when we got there and we were able to take it home! It made for a very exciting day!
I got an early new years present last night from Bryan, some Dickens movies, Bleak House (which we have seen and really enjoyed), The Curiosity Shop (we watched last night and it was good too), Oliver Twist (haven't seen) and another one that I can't remember the name of, which I have not seen. We have been enjoying some BBC movies lately.
Despite all that has been going on with me not feeling well, we have enjoyed some home school event and getting to know some home school families. We are looking forward to the new year and getting together more with them. Bryan and I don't really have any friends that live close to us or in our church but I think we might just find some new friends in our home school group and also there is a new family joining our church that are part of the home school group and only live 3 min. away that we are enjoying getting to know and have kids our kids age.
I have to go as it is time to pick up the oldest 2 from piano lessons, I really hope I will be able to get some pictures on here soon, they really turned out so nice!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Our life.....
I apologize for my lack of posts but without the Internet and the business of 5 girls, well life just keeps moving along!
So I will try to update as best I can, I have been writing posts in my head the last 2 days so I hope I remember everything! :-)
Lets see......we are busy into the school year with Victoria in grade 3, Alicia in grade 2, Moriah in kindergarten. We are also part of the homeschool group and have had some field trips and have enjoyed getting to know some of the families. I do find the extra homeschool stuff makes like busier and harder to actually 'do' school. I have had to say no to some things as I just feel too busy and I really like to be home. I have been going to the library Thursday nights and getting educational books for the girls and myself. We are studying Canada so I have been getting some books on Canada and really enjoyed some books on the history of Canada. We are using A Beka books again this year, but I would like to try something new next year especially in math. I really hope to make it to the OCHEC conference in the new year, I have been saying that for maybe 3 years now!! :-)
Bryan and I continue to marvel at how much our girls are growing and learning. They love to play with the dolls and be mommies. There new thing is being pregnant and 'boring' babies. One afternoon Victoria came into the living room to tell me that she had just 'born' a baby in the crib, so that is where her baby sleeps. MOriah 'bore' her baby in the stroller so that is where her baby sleeps. Alicia......well, she is just boring her baby so they weren't sure where that baby would sleep. They walk around the house with babies under the shirts waiting to be born.
We also talk often about husbands and there is a certain young boy in our church who is a favorite among our girls especially Moriah. That family visited on Sunday and after they left I asked MOriah if she still wanted to marry that boy and she said "no" and Victoria piped up "I will marry him then". At first I was rather taken aback when our girls started talking about boyfriends and getting married thinking they were much to young for such talk, but then I quickly realized that this was a subject I wanted to be included in, so I join the conversation by telling them that if that boy is a godly young man that they may marry him when they get older. I am praying often for our future sons-in-laws and their parents, it will be a delight to meet them one day!
Victoria has a good memory and I am surprised at how often she remembers things that I don't! We were driving to the Biels (a family in our home school group) and we started out from my parents. I had only been to the Biel's once before this time so was rather unsure of how to get there from my parents. As I was driving along I mused out loud about what the name of the road was that they lived on. I asked Victoria and she said "Umm.... I think it is Drury road mom" The 6 year old in the back of the van was absolutely correct! How does she remember these things!! :-)
Victoria and Alicia started piano lessons last week. They are very excited about it and so is Courtney their teacher. This is Courtney's first teaching experience, she goes to our church and has babysat the girls, and I actually use to babysit her!! I am very happy that Alicia is going as I think it will help her with her social skills and it is nice that Victoria is with her too. I dropped them off and then came and picked them up, so they are on their own!!
Moriah is surprising me in her eagerness to do school and in how much she is remembering. I am really hoping she will be reading by the end of the year! She is such a compassionate girl and very concerned for others. If one of us is not wearing a seat belt she will freak out and scream for the van to stop or not start. She is so afraid that a police man will come and take that law breaking person to jail! It really is quite hilarious and sometimes annoying that she gets so upset! She is also thoughtful in other ways and trys to help her sisters not get in trouble! She loves to snuggle and is just so sweet!
Cassia.........what do I say about our "spicy" child! I have to admit that I have mentioned to Bryan that maybe we should have stopped after Moriah as Cassia is full of life and Ellia squeals so much that I think she might be the same way! Cassia brings so much life to our family and she is so cute, adorable, and such a stinker!! She makes me so frustrated sometimes but yet she makes us laugh so much too! She is more defiant then our other girls, but I have learnt that if I can get her to answer me with a "yes mom" then she will do whatever I have asked, but getting that yes mom isn't always easy! Her vocabulary is amazing, she sounds more like a 4 year old then a 2 year old. She is so smart too! Victoria lost a tooth on a Saturday night and despite the fact that Victoria firmly believed there was no such thing as a tooth fair she did put her tooth under the pillow and got some money. We talked a lot about her tooth and Sunday morning I was taking a bath (I don't normally do that, I mean the bath on a SUnday morning I do bath) Cassia came running to me with her hand in her mouth and her fingers gripping a tooth and she said "mommy, I have a lose tooth, look" She was very excited! Nothing gets by that girl, if her sisters do something she has to do it too!
My little Ellia is growing, she is 6 months now and such a cutie! Her first tooth is coming in, she eats cereal, squash, apple sauce, and whatever else I put in her mouth. I feel like I am getting back to myself more and more. I have struggled so much with my own selfishness since Ellia was born. I have struggled so much with having to give of myself so much for my husband and children. Being a mother requires so much self sacrifice, I have been learning this so much now that I have 5 kids. I am still struggling with this and even though I 'know' that I need God's strength , His patience, and His peace it is so hard to live that way! One thing that has brought so much peace in my life and which is something I never imagined myself doing, is I rise early! I get up a 6am and do my devotions then exercises. Before it got dark in the mornings I would got for a walk and run, but now I stretch and do exercises in the house. I have been having a lot of neck pain again and I think the exercising is very helpful. I miss the walks, I really enjoying being outside by myself for that quiet time to think and just breath in the fresh air. I have thought of going for a walk at night, but frankly I am exhausted by the time the kids go to bed that just doesn't work. I have never been a morning person, but I just tell myself that this is really important to me! Last week I was too sick to get up and missed a few mornings and then this Morning when my alarm went off I was pretty tired and was wondering to myself why I get up so early. It wasn't until I was doing my devotions that I remembered why I get up so early!!
Life is so different with 5 kids, there are days I would love to have more and there are days I think I could never have more! I love my girls, I love that I have girls, I love being with my girls! Life is like that, good days and bad days. But really the good out way the bad, the difficulty of raising 5 girls for God's glory is a reward not always seen every moment of every day, but there are the little things that give me such joy! Like the other morning when I was having a hard time I came downstairs to see that Victoria all on her own wrote out her prayer during her morning devotion time and it was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. I taped the prayer onto my kitchen cabinet to encourage me through out the day! I love the hugs and kisses and listening to them play together being mothers!
We went camping in August, we left 2 days early to come home and I vowed never to go camping with a nursing baby again and I even mentioned to Bryan that I would prefer to sell our trailer and rent a cottage! I decided that maybe I didn't like camping now that I had to do all the work! Alas I am a rather fickle woman and this past weekend when all the trailers were heading out for Thanksgiving camping, I actually felt disappointed that Bryan had to work and we couldn't go camping!! :-) And now I am looking forward to camping next year!! :-) We are still putting our trailer for sale but we will see what happens!!
We continue to love our country home, and are putting a bathroom on the main level and laundry room. Unfortunately the bath room and laundry room are going in our toy room! I have gotten rid of a lot of toys and put most of them up in boxes all I have left on the floor is a basket of baby toys and books, and a bucket full of dolls and doll clothes and a bucket of dress up clothes. I put the kitchen set and all the play food in the kitchen. So I think we will be able to make do. I still want to go through a organize and get rid of more stuff, I really feel that less is better and in a small house it will help keep it cleaner! We do have the sun porch for the playing a toys right now but there is no heat there.
We updated our bathroom with a new double sink vanity from Ikea. We are thinking of not putting in a new bath tub, we aren't sure. We most likely will only be living in this house for another 4-5 years so we don't want to put too much money into the house.
Well, I guess that is all for now the children are getting fussy and there are more family members here so I should be more sociable.
Despite the fact that I have mentioned how busy I am now, we are never too busy for visiting and my girls love to have friends over! So if you feel like visiting, please do!!
We had family pictures taken at our house in the yard so when I get them I will try to post! I was so trilled to have them taken in our back yard!
So I will try to update as best I can, I have been writing posts in my head the last 2 days so I hope I remember everything! :-)
Lets see......we are busy into the school year with Victoria in grade 3, Alicia in grade 2, Moriah in kindergarten. We are also part of the homeschool group and have had some field trips and have enjoyed getting to know some of the families. I do find the extra homeschool stuff makes like busier and harder to actually 'do' school. I have had to say no to some things as I just feel too busy and I really like to be home. I have been going to the library Thursday nights and getting educational books for the girls and myself. We are studying Canada so I have been getting some books on Canada and really enjoyed some books on the history of Canada. We are using A Beka books again this year, but I would like to try something new next year especially in math. I really hope to make it to the OCHEC conference in the new year, I have been saying that for maybe 3 years now!! :-)
Bryan and I continue to marvel at how much our girls are growing and learning. They love to play with the dolls and be mommies. There new thing is being pregnant and 'boring' babies. One afternoon Victoria came into the living room to tell me that she had just 'born' a baby in the crib, so that is where her baby sleeps. MOriah 'bore' her baby in the stroller so that is where her baby sleeps. Alicia......well, she is just boring her baby so they weren't sure where that baby would sleep. They walk around the house with babies under the shirts waiting to be born.
We also talk often about husbands and there is a certain young boy in our church who is a favorite among our girls especially Moriah. That family visited on Sunday and after they left I asked MOriah if she still wanted to marry that boy and she said "no" and Victoria piped up "I will marry him then". At first I was rather taken aback when our girls started talking about boyfriends and getting married thinking they were much to young for such talk, but then I quickly realized that this was a subject I wanted to be included in, so I join the conversation by telling them that if that boy is a godly young man that they may marry him when they get older. I am praying often for our future sons-in-laws and their parents, it will be a delight to meet them one day!
Victoria has a good memory and I am surprised at how often she remembers things that I don't! We were driving to the Biels (a family in our home school group) and we started out from my parents. I had only been to the Biel's once before this time so was rather unsure of how to get there from my parents. As I was driving along I mused out loud about what the name of the road was that they lived on. I asked Victoria and she said "Umm.... I think it is Drury road mom" The 6 year old in the back of the van was absolutely correct! How does she remember these things!! :-)
Victoria and Alicia started piano lessons last week. They are very excited about it and so is Courtney their teacher. This is Courtney's first teaching experience, she goes to our church and has babysat the girls, and I actually use to babysit her!! I am very happy that Alicia is going as I think it will help her with her social skills and it is nice that Victoria is with her too. I dropped them off and then came and picked them up, so they are on their own!!
Moriah is surprising me in her eagerness to do school and in how much she is remembering. I am really hoping she will be reading by the end of the year! She is such a compassionate girl and very concerned for others. If one of us is not wearing a seat belt she will freak out and scream for the van to stop or not start. She is so afraid that a police man will come and take that law breaking person to jail! It really is quite hilarious and sometimes annoying that she gets so upset! She is also thoughtful in other ways and trys to help her sisters not get in trouble! She loves to snuggle and is just so sweet!
Cassia.........what do I say about our "spicy" child! I have to admit that I have mentioned to Bryan that maybe we should have stopped after Moriah as Cassia is full of life and Ellia squeals so much that I think she might be the same way! Cassia brings so much life to our family and she is so cute, adorable, and such a stinker!! She makes me so frustrated sometimes but yet she makes us laugh so much too! She is more defiant then our other girls, but I have learnt that if I can get her to answer me with a "yes mom" then she will do whatever I have asked, but getting that yes mom isn't always easy! Her vocabulary is amazing, she sounds more like a 4 year old then a 2 year old. She is so smart too! Victoria lost a tooth on a Saturday night and despite the fact that Victoria firmly believed there was no such thing as a tooth fair she did put her tooth under the pillow and got some money. We talked a lot about her tooth and Sunday morning I was taking a bath (I don't normally do that, I mean the bath on a SUnday morning I do bath) Cassia came running to me with her hand in her mouth and her fingers gripping a tooth and she said "mommy, I have a lose tooth, look" She was very excited! Nothing gets by that girl, if her sisters do something she has to do it too!
My little Ellia is growing, she is 6 months now and such a cutie! Her first tooth is coming in, she eats cereal, squash, apple sauce, and whatever else I put in her mouth. I feel like I am getting back to myself more and more. I have struggled so much with my own selfishness since Ellia was born. I have struggled so much with having to give of myself so much for my husband and children. Being a mother requires so much self sacrifice, I have been learning this so much now that I have 5 kids. I am still struggling with this and even though I 'know' that I need God's strength , His patience, and His peace it is so hard to live that way! One thing that has brought so much peace in my life and which is something I never imagined myself doing, is I rise early! I get up a 6am and do my devotions then exercises. Before it got dark in the mornings I would got for a walk and run, but now I stretch and do exercises in the house. I have been having a lot of neck pain again and I think the exercising is very helpful. I miss the walks, I really enjoying being outside by myself for that quiet time to think and just breath in the fresh air. I have thought of going for a walk at night, but frankly I am exhausted by the time the kids go to bed that just doesn't work. I have never been a morning person, but I just tell myself that this is really important to me! Last week I was too sick to get up and missed a few mornings and then this Morning when my alarm went off I was pretty tired and was wondering to myself why I get up so early. It wasn't until I was doing my devotions that I remembered why I get up so early!!
Life is so different with 5 kids, there are days I would love to have more and there are days I think I could never have more! I love my girls, I love that I have girls, I love being with my girls! Life is like that, good days and bad days. But really the good out way the bad, the difficulty of raising 5 girls for God's glory is a reward not always seen every moment of every day, but there are the little things that give me such joy! Like the other morning when I was having a hard time I came downstairs to see that Victoria all on her own wrote out her prayer during her morning devotion time and it was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. I taped the prayer onto my kitchen cabinet to encourage me through out the day! I love the hugs and kisses and listening to them play together being mothers!
We went camping in August, we left 2 days early to come home and I vowed never to go camping with a nursing baby again and I even mentioned to Bryan that I would prefer to sell our trailer and rent a cottage! I decided that maybe I didn't like camping now that I had to do all the work! Alas I am a rather fickle woman and this past weekend when all the trailers were heading out for Thanksgiving camping, I actually felt disappointed that Bryan had to work and we couldn't go camping!! :-) And now I am looking forward to camping next year!! :-) We are still putting our trailer for sale but we will see what happens!!
We continue to love our country home, and are putting a bathroom on the main level and laundry room. Unfortunately the bath room and laundry room are going in our toy room! I have gotten rid of a lot of toys and put most of them up in boxes all I have left on the floor is a basket of baby toys and books, and a bucket full of dolls and doll clothes and a bucket of dress up clothes. I put the kitchen set and all the play food in the kitchen. So I think we will be able to make do. I still want to go through a organize and get rid of more stuff, I really feel that less is better and in a small house it will help keep it cleaner! We do have the sun porch for the playing a toys right now but there is no heat there.
We updated our bathroom with a new double sink vanity from Ikea. We are thinking of not putting in a new bath tub, we aren't sure. We most likely will only be living in this house for another 4-5 years so we don't want to put too much money into the house.
Well, I guess that is all for now the children are getting fussy and there are more family members here so I should be more sociable.
Despite the fact that I have mentioned how busy I am now, we are never too busy for visiting and my girls love to have friends over! So if you feel like visiting, please do!!
We had family pictures taken at our house in the yard so when I get them I will try to post! I was so trilled to have them taken in our back yard!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
More home news.........
While I was doing the dishes (for one of the last times, as we are getting a dishwasher next week!! Hurray! more on that later) tonight I realized that this is probably the last day we have internet access at home, so I best update while I can! No pictures this time as I don't have time and last month we went over the limit for downloading and it cost a pretty penny!! Opps!!
Life continues to keep moving. Ellia is now 3 months old, she trys hard to lift her head up to sit up and she is enjoying the exersaucer for limited amounts of time. The bumbo is handy too, but again only for limited time! I am enjoying my babes more now then before, her smiles and coos and almost belly laughs makes me forget all the difficulties! Her hair still has some orange in it and her eyes still have not decided on a color! She reminds me most of Alicia now as she has the long face and petite features. Nursing is going well, I let her cry a few times last night as she sometimes gets up more the once a night and I am tired of that. She doesn't seem to even drink that much and then falls back asleep so I am going to try to stick to only once a night. She seems to be very sensitive to loud noises and sudden movements.......are all babies like that? I can't remember! She is drooling lots, more then I remember any of her sisters doing and she chews on her hands with a vengance! Makes me wonder if she is going to get teeth soon! I guess to sum it all up life is getting just a little bit easier as Ellia gets a little bit older!! :-)
We did start school, the girls love to do it! School usually happens at the end of the day just before supper, we just do a little bit of math, writing, and phonics. I am always amazed at what the girls remember and how far ahead they are. I can tell that Victoria's reading has improved and she loves to read all the time! I was talking to a homeschooling mom while we were camping and she mentioned that a speaker at OCHEC talked about how important reading the classics to our children is, how the language from the older books is so much better. I believe the speaker said to read 4 hours a day, but that is way too much for me so we are starting with a chapter here and there! I think the point of 4 hours is that you don't need to do history you just read about it and other subjects as well. I would love to go to OCHEC but every year something comes up!! Maybe next year!! We started Little Women and are really enjoying it! The girls are even acting it out!
We had a wonderful time camping.......okay, maybe I didn't find it so wonderful but the girls did! I love camping but this year I was ready to go home just a few days into it! If Bryan had been there I do think it would have been better! It helped so much to have my mom and sister there as I did no cooking or clean up I was always busy taking care of Ellia! The girls loved biking around as this year they were given the freedom to bike around our 'block' as long as the stayed together! My favorite part was talking to and getting to know some of the other homeschool moms!
We are heading to Port Burwell as a family the end of August for 5 days, I can't say I am overly excited I really don't think camping with a nursing baby is all that great! But this time Bryan will be there so that makes it much better! We woudl really love to sell our trailer, but with all the money we had to put into it, it will be hard to get the money out of it!
I just love our coutry place I love going outside at night to get the clothes of the clothes line or check on the vegetable garden and just enjoy the peace and space! The house is a little small at times but I continue to work at organizing and just getting rid of things to make space! My garden is doing really well thus far............we shall see what it looks like by the end of the summer!! :-) I have a habit of keeping up with the hoeing for the first few weeks and then letting go the rest! We have enjoyed our beautiful flower gardens with fresh flowers in the house for awhile! It is so sad that they don't last longer!
Bryan came home with sand for our huge sandbox today, but will have to go back for more as it is only 1/3 full!! I am hoping that the girls will spend lots of time in there this summer!
And on to the most exciting news................the dishwasher!! Yes, after all my, "oh, I like doing dishes", and "it really doesn't take that long", and " I don't need a dishwasher" I finally broke down a day last week.......it really was a hard day and I was so tired.........and I actually said to Bryan "honey, I think I am ready for dishwasher". I took it all back the next day and told him it really wasn't neccessary, but as always my husband knows me so very well that he went out and bought one telling me that it was all for him. He wants me to spend more time with him and he hates doing dishes! So even though I can justify getting a dishwasher a bunch of different ways and even though I feel guilty to be spending the money on one, I am going to enjoy it and take that little bit of extra time to enjoy not only my husband but my 5 little girlies too!
Well, it is past bed time for my two oldest who are outside helping daddy put wood chips around the trees (it is great to know Ontario Hydro people and get free wood chips) and in the gardens! But tomorrow night will be even later as it is our tradition to watch the fireworks in Blenheim on Canada Day. Maybe I will even remember to dress everyone in red and white tomorrow!!
Oh, and just a little update on my dad! He is set for surgery to remove the lymph nodes around his kydney in September. And at that time the doctor will check his kidney for cancer and decide wether or not it has to be removed too. We were all very hopefull that maybe it was not cancer, but now it looks like it has to be. He is having a bunch of tests done to see if the cancer is anywhere else. He just started a special diet which is mostly fruits and vegetables. We continue to pray that the doctors would have wisdom and that mom and dad would have 'the peace that passes all understanding'. I still feel like this can't be so but I also notice myself perking up and listening whenever I hear anything about cancer. God is good and that is seen even more when we go through the trials that this life brings, what a joy it is to have a God to bring all of our cares to!
Life continues to keep moving. Ellia is now 3 months old, she trys hard to lift her head up to sit up and she is enjoying the exersaucer for limited amounts of time. The bumbo is handy too, but again only for limited time! I am enjoying my babes more now then before, her smiles and coos and almost belly laughs makes me forget all the difficulties! Her hair still has some orange in it and her eyes still have not decided on a color! She reminds me most of Alicia now as she has the long face and petite features. Nursing is going well, I let her cry a few times last night as she sometimes gets up more the once a night and I am tired of that. She doesn't seem to even drink that much and then falls back asleep so I am going to try to stick to only once a night. She seems to be very sensitive to loud noises and sudden movements.......are all babies like that? I can't remember! She is drooling lots, more then I remember any of her sisters doing and she chews on her hands with a vengance! Makes me wonder if she is going to get teeth soon! I guess to sum it all up life is getting just a little bit easier as Ellia gets a little bit older!! :-)
We did start school, the girls love to do it! School usually happens at the end of the day just before supper, we just do a little bit of math, writing, and phonics. I am always amazed at what the girls remember and how far ahead they are. I can tell that Victoria's reading has improved and she loves to read all the time! I was talking to a homeschooling mom while we were camping and she mentioned that a speaker at OCHEC talked about how important reading the classics to our children is, how the language from the older books is so much better. I believe the speaker said to read 4 hours a day, but that is way too much for me so we are starting with a chapter here and there! I think the point of 4 hours is that you don't need to do history you just read about it and other subjects as well. I would love to go to OCHEC but every year something comes up!! Maybe next year!! We started Little Women and are really enjoying it! The girls are even acting it out!
We had a wonderful time camping.......okay, maybe I didn't find it so wonderful but the girls did! I love camping but this year I was ready to go home just a few days into it! If Bryan had been there I do think it would have been better! It helped so much to have my mom and sister there as I did no cooking or clean up I was always busy taking care of Ellia! The girls loved biking around as this year they were given the freedom to bike around our 'block' as long as the stayed together! My favorite part was talking to and getting to know some of the other homeschool moms!
We are heading to Port Burwell as a family the end of August for 5 days, I can't say I am overly excited I really don't think camping with a nursing baby is all that great! But this time Bryan will be there so that makes it much better! We woudl really love to sell our trailer, but with all the money we had to put into it, it will be hard to get the money out of it!
I just love our coutry place I love going outside at night to get the clothes of the clothes line or check on the vegetable garden and just enjoy the peace and space! The house is a little small at times but I continue to work at organizing and just getting rid of things to make space! My garden is doing really well thus far............we shall see what it looks like by the end of the summer!! :-) I have a habit of keeping up with the hoeing for the first few weeks and then letting go the rest! We have enjoyed our beautiful flower gardens with fresh flowers in the house for awhile! It is so sad that they don't last longer!
Bryan came home with sand for our huge sandbox today, but will have to go back for more as it is only 1/3 full!! I am hoping that the girls will spend lots of time in there this summer!
And on to the most exciting news................the dishwasher!! Yes, after all my, "oh, I like doing dishes", and "it really doesn't take that long", and " I don't need a dishwasher" I finally broke down a day last week.......it really was a hard day and I was so tired.........and I actually said to Bryan "honey, I think I am ready for dishwasher". I took it all back the next day and told him it really wasn't neccessary, but as always my husband knows me so very well that he went out and bought one telling me that it was all for him. He wants me to spend more time with him and he hates doing dishes! So even though I can justify getting a dishwasher a bunch of different ways and even though I feel guilty to be spending the money on one, I am going to enjoy it and take that little bit of extra time to enjoy not only my husband but my 5 little girlies too!
Well, it is past bed time for my two oldest who are outside helping daddy put wood chips around the trees (it is great to know Ontario Hydro people and get free wood chips) and in the gardens! But tomorrow night will be even later as it is our tradition to watch the fireworks in Blenheim on Canada Day. Maybe I will even remember to dress everyone in red and white tomorrow!!
Oh, and just a little update on my dad! He is set for surgery to remove the lymph nodes around his kydney in September. And at that time the doctor will check his kidney for cancer and decide wether or not it has to be removed too. We were all very hopefull that maybe it was not cancer, but now it looks like it has to be. He is having a bunch of tests done to see if the cancer is anywhere else. He just started a special diet which is mostly fruits and vegetables. We continue to pray that the doctors would have wisdom and that mom and dad would have 'the peace that passes all understanding'. I still feel like this can't be so but I also notice myself perking up and listening whenever I hear anything about cancer. God is good and that is seen even more when we go through the trials that this life brings, what a joy it is to have a God to bring all of our cares to!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Even Cassia had rollers in her hair the night before!
Life has been busy, I suppose it will always be like that. I feel like we are really a large family now and it keeps me hopping. It took me a few weeks to finally get some energy and it sure feels better. Ellia is 9 weeks old now and weighs around 11.5 pounds. She is such a cutie with her smiles and cooing. She sleeps well at night going to bed around 8-9pm and is up usually once during the night but sometimes twice. She is pretty fussy during the day but I am learning that when she gets fussy she usually needs to go to bed. I feel like she is on somewhat of a schedule. Her eyes still haven't decided on a color looking blue or brown on different days. Her hair still has a little bit of orange in it which we hope stays but it probably won't.
The other girls are loving their sister and try to help when I let them. Alicia took Ellia for a ride in her baby doll stroller and loves to talk and read to her. They all love to hold her when I let them or lay and talk to her and put the soother back in Ellia's mouth.
We are loving the weather, going outside lots! My dad built a huge swing set for the girls and Bryan built a huge (9 x9 feet) sandbox on Saturday for them. Our drive way is nice and long for biking on and there is always the gardens to dig in and lots of flowers to pick.
I planted the vegetable garden on Saturday, I am trying to be faithful in watering it as we are going camping next week. The garden is huge too! Not sure if I will actually take care of it this year but I have high hopes!!
I am home most days as taking all 5 girls anywhere seems like a big job since Cassia is not as obedient as my other girls and Ellia gets rather fussy. I miss living in town and being able to run out to the stores with out any girls, but I suppose I am also getting use to taking Ellia everywhere. My mom has been having the girls here and there so that gives me a chance to get stuff done. I am also working on teaching the girls to help keep things tidy and do some of the cleaning. My standards are lower then usual but I still like things neat and tidy, and the toilet clean. I still enjoy our home and that it is small so cleaning up is easy. I am always surprised at how well the girls can clean up when there are some incentives involved, like going somewhere or watching a movie. It is nice to see them getting old enough to really help!
We are hoping to do some school this summer since we finished off already in March. I am hoping to do a little this summer so we can take Friday's off during the school year. The girls are excited about starting, so hopefully when we get back from home school camping we will start some school.
The girls and I are so very excited about going camping. It is always such a great time. My sister will be there with her kids and some other families that we are getting to know. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful too! We hope to get out with Bryan for a week sometime this summer too and then I am planning on taking the girls the week all the kids go back to school in September. My favorite camping is off season when the campgrounds are quiet. So we have lots to look forward to this summer.
Life is different here in the country, it use to be that Bryan and I would relax after the girls went to bed and they were always in bed by 8pm. Here the girls don't go to bed until almost 9pm and Bryan is working outside until closer to 10 pm. It is so cute to see all our girls outside raking grass, playing or trying to help. We are enjoying our outside time and I still haven't heard Bryan complain about cutting the grass yet again. He has a routine now for cutting he divides it into two evenings and does it about weekly depending on the rain and how wet things were. It has been so wet here that girls were pretty much swimming in our side yard running and falling and having a blast! Of course with rain comes mud, and extra laundry. I am trying to hang the laundry on the clothes line but sometimes my time is needed else where.
I have been re-reading some books by Teri Maxwell on scheduling and homeschooling and it has inspired me in my house keeping and child rearing. She is more scheduled then I want to be but I am learning some great things from here writing. I get really inspired well reading, but the putting into practise is a little harder! :-)
The girls are waiting on me for a craft they want to do and the baby just woke up from a nap and I haven't even thought of supper yet, so I best get back to life! I am really trying to work on stopping what I am doing and enjoying the girls like talking to Ellia and playing with the older girls. They are all so special and so different and they are growing up so quickly. Bryan and I have noticed lately that things are changing in our home we no longer have all these toddlers or little girls, they are becoming big girls. It so much fun seeing them growing and understanding more and hearing what they have to say. Victoria has some interesting things to say that she hears from her friends! They are so cute!!
I will try to post some pictures soon!
The other girls are loving their sister and try to help when I let them. Alicia took Ellia for a ride in her baby doll stroller and loves to talk and read to her. They all love to hold her when I let them or lay and talk to her and put the soother back in Ellia's mouth.
We are loving the weather, going outside lots! My dad built a huge swing set for the girls and Bryan built a huge (9 x9 feet) sandbox on Saturday for them. Our drive way is nice and long for biking on and there is always the gardens to dig in and lots of flowers to pick.
I planted the vegetable garden on Saturday, I am trying to be faithful in watering it as we are going camping next week. The garden is huge too! Not sure if I will actually take care of it this year but I have high hopes!!
I am home most days as taking all 5 girls anywhere seems like a big job since Cassia is not as obedient as my other girls and Ellia gets rather fussy. I miss living in town and being able to run out to the stores with out any girls, but I suppose I am also getting use to taking Ellia everywhere. My mom has been having the girls here and there so that gives me a chance to get stuff done. I am also working on teaching the girls to help keep things tidy and do some of the cleaning. My standards are lower then usual but I still like things neat and tidy, and the toilet clean. I still enjoy our home and that it is small so cleaning up is easy. I am always surprised at how well the girls can clean up when there are some incentives involved, like going somewhere or watching a movie. It is nice to see them getting old enough to really help!
We are hoping to do some school this summer since we finished off already in March. I am hoping to do a little this summer so we can take Friday's off during the school year. The girls are excited about starting, so hopefully when we get back from home school camping we will start some school.
The girls and I are so very excited about going camping. It is always such a great time. My sister will be there with her kids and some other families that we are getting to know. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful too! We hope to get out with Bryan for a week sometime this summer too and then I am planning on taking the girls the week all the kids go back to school in September. My favorite camping is off season when the campgrounds are quiet. So we have lots to look forward to this summer.
Life is different here in the country, it use to be that Bryan and I would relax after the girls went to bed and they were always in bed by 8pm. Here the girls don't go to bed until almost 9pm and Bryan is working outside until closer to 10 pm. It is so cute to see all our girls outside raking grass, playing or trying to help. We are enjoying our outside time and I still haven't heard Bryan complain about cutting the grass yet again. He has a routine now for cutting he divides it into two evenings and does it about weekly depending on the rain and how wet things were. It has been so wet here that girls were pretty much swimming in our side yard running and falling and having a blast! Of course with rain comes mud, and extra laundry. I am trying to hang the laundry on the clothes line but sometimes my time is needed else where.
I have been re-reading some books by Teri Maxwell on scheduling and homeschooling and it has inspired me in my house keeping and child rearing. She is more scheduled then I want to be but I am learning some great things from here writing. I get really inspired well reading, but the putting into practise is a little harder! :-)
The girls are waiting on me for a craft they want to do and the baby just woke up from a nap and I haven't even thought of supper yet, so I best get back to life! I am really trying to work on stopping what I am doing and enjoying the girls like talking to Ellia and playing with the older girls. They are all so special and so different and they are growing up so quickly. Bryan and I have noticed lately that things are changing in our home we no longer have all these toddlers or little girls, they are becoming big girls. It so much fun seeing them growing and understanding more and hearing what they have to say. Victoria has some interesting things to say that she hears from her friends! They are so cute!!
I will try to post some pictures soon!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Cassia turns 2..........
Cassia's birthday pictures are at the bottom of the post! I always forget which way they load!
I am not yet use to having 5 daughters! It is a lot of work and I am exahusted! I had a melt down this week I think I cried all morning! I finally broke down on the phone to Bryan and when I got off Moriah asked me why I was whinning and crying like a baby!! :-) My first reaction was to tell her I was NOT whining, but I probably was!! I also told her that mommies tend to cry when they are tired and I was very tired! I don't think the girls knew what to think, but I didn't either, so Bryan came home and my mom came and picked up the girls! I have had a cold for a few weeks now and I don't think that was helping me feel any better! I still don't feel that great but at least a little more rested. I think I will be happier the older Ellia gets! I feel bad saying that. I have read a few blogs of women who have just recently had babies as well and they are all saying how much they love having a new born and how they wish they could have a new born all the time! Not me!! I can't wait for the time to go by and for her to be older! Not that I don't enjoy cuddling with her and all that, it is just so exahausting! I never have been a 'baby' person!
People keep asking me if we are going to have more, the nurses in the hospital, the bank lady, peopel in stores, and I keep thinking to myself as I try to smile sweetly and say "we will seee" that now is really not the time to ask such a question! I just gave birth less then 3 weeks ago and am exahusted trying to take care of all 5! So please don't ask!! Ofcourse I would never say that, I just write it on my blog!! :-)
I know in time things will get better, and really some nice weather would really lift the spirits around here! We would all just love to be outside!! So I am sure that in a couple weeks once spring sets in I will write another post about how fun having 5 little girls is, right now I am too tired!! :-) Not to say we aren't having some fun!
Her are some random pictures for you to enjoy!
They gave them to me when they came to the hospital to see Ellia. We enjoyed showing them off to the nurses, who were all amazed that we have 5 daughters!
Victoria has only eaten part of an apple and had a little to drink, but she doesn't seem too sick. She actually told me she likes being sick becuase then she doesn't have to do anything! She is hoping to eat supper tonight so that she can have just a little piece of Cassia's birthday cake!
I am hoping no one else gets sick, especially myself and Ellia!
Now on to the birthday girl..............
I did take some birthday pictures today and that is one thing I usually forget!
Cassia is definetly the life of our family. She makes us all laugh and keeps us all in line. I am having to dicipline alittle more now as all those cute things she says and does aren't so cute the second time! I do think we all tend to spoil her which makes me wonder how Ellia will turn out!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Our 5th Daughter
I am enjoying a week with just Ellia and me at home. I did slip out this morning to see my other girls as we miss them so much. I am recovering very well. Depsite her shoulders getting stuck, I had no tearing and feel better then I ever have before. Just a little tired. We do look forward to this weekend when the girls come home and we really get to enjoy all 5 of our girls! It is hard to believe that God has given us 5 precious little girls to teach and love. We are so excited to live our life with these girls growing and learning. And we can't wait for spring to settle in and for us to get outside and enjoy our country house and all that yard work!! :-)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A little of this and that....
I took so pictures off my parents computer so here are some random pictures from January and February.
At the hotel in Toronto, Sunday morning all the kids in the their Sunday best. And some flowers from the dinner the night before.
My girls and their Pake
Dress up at Pake and Beppe's, hard to believe we use to dress up in the same clothes.
Noah, Victoria, Hannah
Titus in front of Victoria, Noah, Alicia with Cassia, Moriah, and Hannah
Cassia all excited about the girls present from my parents.

This is the wrong picture, it isn't good of me at all, but I don't feel like changing it. So there is my little belly, it is so much bigger now!!
Watching a movie....
Everyone loves to snuggle with Pake. This is Titus and Moriah.
Beppe is great for snuggling too!
Now another update:
This is the wrong picture, it isn't good of me at all, but I don't feel like changing it. So there is my little belly, it is so much bigger now!!
Now another update:
We are counting down the days now, I plan on starting the herbs to induce labor (though they have never worked). The diapers are bought the clothes are out, though they need to be washed. I should probably pack a bag for the hospital and then we wait! Last week I went for an ultrasound as my midwife thought the baby was breech. I feel most of the movement at the top so she figured the baby was breech with the legs sticking straight up, a great position for finding out if this is indeed a boy!! So Bryan came along for this ultrasound in hopes that we would for the first time find out before the baby was born wether it was a girl or boy! And to my amazement the baby was head down! I was thrilled that I no longer had to think about giving birth to a breech baby or having a c-section. I was rather nervous asking if the technician could tell what the baby was, not sure if I really wanted to know! Our little one is keeping it a secret as there was a foot in the way......so it will be a surprise on labor day! I must say that I am rather happy to not know, I love the excitement of everyone guessing! I just have the white and yellow sleepers out and we will pull out the pink stuff or the blue after baby comes.
I just read some blogs of other people who are soon to have a baby and they have meals in the freezer, bags packed, I have not done either of these! I feel rather out of it in getting ready for the baby. It was my mom who reminded me about buying new born diapers! You think I would be better prepared this being my 5th time, but I really think I become more relaxed or forgetful with each one! But I will try to get things better prepared. I will not be putting any meals in the freezer as I really don't feel like it, I am pretty tired and I think my iron is still going up and down. It is enough to get homeschooling done, keep the house clean, and take care of my girls. I am hoping for a burst of energy after the baby is born!
We are so excited for spring to come........it seems like all we talk about! The girls can't wait to play outside without all the winter gear. They want to get the bikes out and have daddy put together their swing set. I hope to find a used trampoline for them and maybe get BRyan to make a big sand box, then we will be all set! Bryan is anxous to be out in the yard and keeps asking me where I want the garden. I dream about fires and roasting marshmellows and barbecuing again! For us spring just can't come fast enough!
Today is Moriah's 4th birthday. Last year on this day we had a picnic lunch, the weather was beautiful! I was really hoping for the same this year! Instead it is raining and yucky here! We are having fun despite the weather we came to my parents for breakfast and my sisters kids and mine have been playing so nicely all morning. My mom and sister are busy at Nicole's house stripping wall paper while I watch the kids and check out some blogs. After lunch we need to go home and make MOriah's smartie cake and have some fun together.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
An Update
I guess not having the internet at home really makes a difference in my updating my blog! I really don't feel like taking the time to update when I am at my mom's or at Bryan's work. Today I have the internet at home!! I have spent pretty much all day surfing the internet.........okay wasting time! My mom and dad took Victoria to Toronto and offered their internet service to me for the day! I took them up on it since the house is pretty much clean, Alicia is ahead on her school work, and I felt like taking a day off! I did manage to find an infant car seat on Kijiji for $25 and I got to catch up on the lives of people I don't even know!! :-) It was fun! I need to make supper but I thought I had better take the opportunity to update here.
So what have we been up to lately.........well..........we have been busy! I think everyone says that. Bryan and I both got that bad virus that sticks around for a month and that wiped me out for slightly longer. My iron has been up and down keeping me tired. The baby inside me has grown well and even though I am measuring smaller then with the girls I feel rather large and lots of pressure with this little one moving around inside me. I continue to have a lot of braxton hicks contractions and hope that all of those will pay off when the real labor comes. We still are not set on any baby name! Bryan has a boy name and I have a girls name, Bryan doesn't like my girl name and I can't say I really like his boy name so we continue to talk about it. We aren't stressed or worried about our baby being nameless, we are sure something will come up! Everyone thinks this baby is a boy, but I am not convinced, the heart beat is still in the 140's but I would not be surprised to have another girl! I can honestly say either a boy or girl would be wonderful. Our girls are pretty excited about our new baby and I am sure the excitment will grow when I get the baby stuff out next week. I can't believe it is time to prepare for this new baby to join our family outside my womb. I am rather nervous about caring for this baby as I have been so tired lately I wonder how I will manage. Bryan reassured me that I will manage just like I have in the past. I am so thankful that Victoria and Alicia are almost done school and that spring is coming. I feel like there is so much to do before baby comes so I hope the baby is late, but yet I am getting so uncomfortable that I hope baby comes on time or early! Ofcourse baby will come when it is the right time and there is nothing (as I learn't with Cassia) that I can do!
The girls continue to grow, there is no stopping that! Bryan and I also continue to enjoy them more and more! They are taking on more responsibility and helping more too! The other day Victoria and Alicia wanted to surprise me so they closed the door in the hallway upstairs and cleaned up all the rooms for me. It was cute to find some of the dirty clothes that I had left on the bedroom floor in my drawers again, but it was the thought that counts! It is such an encouragement to see them wanting to help and doing it. I consider it a blessing to have them home with me all day so that we can spend time learning and growing together.
In a few months everyone in our family will have had their birhtday and those have all be exciting. I was very sick on Alicia's birhtday so she went to my parents and celebrated there. I did have a little ice cream in honor of her birhtday and it helped sooth my sore throat! Moriah is very excited about her birhtday which is only a couple weeks away. She keeps talking about what kind of cake she wants and can't decide between and ice cream cake, rainbow cake and smartie cake. She came up with all these options on her own and feels that she can keep changing her mind until it is her birhtday. She has even be thinking about her birhtday meal and wondered if we could have smartie salad for supper! Not sure what that is!! :-) Bryan and I will be celebrating our birthdays in just a few weeks as well. It is funny to think that last year we went away together and it was the first time I left Cassia over night! A lot has changed in a year!
We officially own our country house and are very thankful for that! We have lots to look forward this spring like lots of yard work, paying for a new roof, and figuring out where to put a veggie garden. I also hope to attend a homeschool conference to get next years books but some of this will all depend on our new baby and how content he or she is and how well I am doing! We have lots of dreams for this country house, but I think most of them will have to put on hold as I am pretty sure life will be busy this summer with 5 little ones!
Well, I better get to making that supper! Bryan will be home and supper won't be ready and usually supper is ready and Bryan isn't home! So there is my little update and my apologies to all those I should be e-mailing!! You can always come for a visit!! When the baby comes and if the baby is born in the hospital ( I keep praying that the baby will come so quickly I just stay home) I might be able to let you all know, as the hosptial has internet!! It depends on how long we stay! I can always get Bryan to let you all know when baby comes!! If I have time after supper I might try and upload some pictures! Stay tuned...........
So what have we been up to lately.........well..........we have been busy! I think everyone says that. Bryan and I both got that bad virus that sticks around for a month and that wiped me out for slightly longer. My iron has been up and down keeping me tired. The baby inside me has grown well and even though I am measuring smaller then with the girls I feel rather large and lots of pressure with this little one moving around inside me. I continue to have a lot of braxton hicks contractions and hope that all of those will pay off when the real labor comes. We still are not set on any baby name! Bryan has a boy name and I have a girls name, Bryan doesn't like my girl name and I can't say I really like his boy name so we continue to talk about it. We aren't stressed or worried about our baby being nameless, we are sure something will come up! Everyone thinks this baby is a boy, but I am not convinced, the heart beat is still in the 140's but I would not be surprised to have another girl! I can honestly say either a boy or girl would be wonderful. Our girls are pretty excited about our new baby and I am sure the excitment will grow when I get the baby stuff out next week. I can't believe it is time to prepare for this new baby to join our family outside my womb. I am rather nervous about caring for this baby as I have been so tired lately I wonder how I will manage. Bryan reassured me that I will manage just like I have in the past. I am so thankful that Victoria and Alicia are almost done school and that spring is coming. I feel like there is so much to do before baby comes so I hope the baby is late, but yet I am getting so uncomfortable that I hope baby comes on time or early! Ofcourse baby will come when it is the right time and there is nothing (as I learn't with Cassia) that I can do!
The girls continue to grow, there is no stopping that! Bryan and I also continue to enjoy them more and more! They are taking on more responsibility and helping more too! The other day Victoria and Alicia wanted to surprise me so they closed the door in the hallway upstairs and cleaned up all the rooms for me. It was cute to find some of the dirty clothes that I had left on the bedroom floor in my drawers again, but it was the thought that counts! It is such an encouragement to see them wanting to help and doing it. I consider it a blessing to have them home with me all day so that we can spend time learning and growing together.
In a few months everyone in our family will have had their birhtday and those have all be exciting. I was very sick on Alicia's birhtday so she went to my parents and celebrated there. I did have a little ice cream in honor of her birhtday and it helped sooth my sore throat! Moriah is very excited about her birhtday which is only a couple weeks away. She keeps talking about what kind of cake she wants and can't decide between and ice cream cake, rainbow cake and smartie cake. She came up with all these options on her own and feels that she can keep changing her mind until it is her birhtday. She has even be thinking about her birhtday meal and wondered if we could have smartie salad for supper! Not sure what that is!! :-) Bryan and I will be celebrating our birthdays in just a few weeks as well. It is funny to think that last year we went away together and it was the first time I left Cassia over night! A lot has changed in a year!
We officially own our country house and are very thankful for that! We have lots to look forward this spring like lots of yard work, paying for a new roof, and figuring out where to put a veggie garden. I also hope to attend a homeschool conference to get next years books but some of this will all depend on our new baby and how content he or she is and how well I am doing! We have lots of dreams for this country house, but I think most of them will have to put on hold as I am pretty sure life will be busy this summer with 5 little ones!
Well, I better get to making that supper! Bryan will be home and supper won't be ready and usually supper is ready and Bryan isn't home! So there is my little update and my apologies to all those I should be e-mailing!! You can always come for a visit!! When the baby comes and if the baby is born in the hospital ( I keep praying that the baby will come so quickly I just stay home) I might be able to let you all know, as the hosptial has internet!! It depends on how long we stay! I can always get Bryan to let you all know when baby comes!! If I have time after supper I might try and upload some pictures! Stay tuned...........
Sunday, January 9, 2011
New Year........
A new year in a new house, that hopefully by the end of this week we will actually own(or are atleast paying the mortgage on)! We continue to enjoy our home, but are still getting use to the drive. We don't mind the drive on Sundays or planned going to town days, but it is the times when something comes up and we have to figure out how I am going to get to town. I suppose we will get use to all that and one day when we have another vehicle it will be much easier. It does help so much that my mom often lets me use her van and sometimes keeps some of the girls so that makes running to Chatham much easier.
THe pregnancy is going well. I continue to thank the Lord for all the aches and pains that remind me that a little one is growing inside of me. I have a lot of braxton hicks contractions I am thinking that comes the more children you have, but I am curious and look forward to asking my midwife about it this week. I start going every other week to the midwife so that means I am nearing the end! We are getting more and more anxious to meet our babe, especially after getting out the photo albums this week and looking at the pictures of our other babes! We are also still wondering if this will be our first boy, or our 5th girl!! We are also still searching for a name, I have a girls name that Bryan isn't overly happy with, but did say we could keep it as an option!! :-) As to a boy name, I really don't know!! The baby moves around a lot and the girls love to feel the baby!
We had a very nice holiday time with Bryan home. As a family we don't celebrate Christmas, but we do give gifts for New Years and have a special day on new years day. The girls were looking forward to new years day and all the presents more this year then ever before. We had all the young people from church over on New Years Eve so I let the girls stay up hoping they would sleep in and they did very well getting up around 9:30am. We loved having all the YP over, I wasn't expecting everyone to come as it was a rather last min. decision, but we ended up with 19 YP. We all had a great time playing games, talking and eating. Our church is very blessed to have such a wonderful group of godly YP. Bryan and I always enjoy being with them, and so do our girls.
Our new years day was very nice and the girls enjoyed their gifts, their favorite was the box of scissors, paper, glue, and other crafty things. Alicia especially loves sitting at the table making notes and cards and cutting and gluing. We watched some of the home videos from 2010 and were amazed at how much Cassia has changed in a year.
With this new year I have had a change of heart to the way I have been running my life. I talked things over with my husband last night (until 1:30am) and he has agreed with me so now I am excited to begin. Due to a blog post I read and the Lord's prompting, I have decided to slow down and enjoy my time with the girls more. I am not going to try to train myself to rise early and get going, only to end up exhausted and cranky by the next day or two. I am going to continue going back to bed after Bryan leaves and snuggle with all my girls. As long as we are eating breakfast by 9am I will be happy. We will do school in the morning and not stop for snacks and then after lunch we can do our chores. I want to enjoy the girls and not be so rushed and I want to be cheerful and patient. I need sleep right now, I only have the chance to get sleep for another 10 weeks or so, and I want to enjoy it! The girls are going to grow up so fast, I want to enjoy them so that is just what I am going to do. My husband said the only things he expects from me in a day is to love the girls, discipline the girls, and train the girls. He does appreciate a clean house but if it just doesn't get done because I am too busy with the girls, then not to worry. My expectations were all from myself, it is freeing to see God's hand lead me in new ways. So we will be taking more time to snuggle, read books, and let the girls help in the kitchen. If you come to visit and the house is messy, it will be messy because we are enjoying life! Don't worry we always clean up before bed! So come and visit and enjoy life with us!!
Enough of my babbling.........time to go have tea with my mom!!
THe pregnancy is going well. I continue to thank the Lord for all the aches and pains that remind me that a little one is growing inside of me. I have a lot of braxton hicks contractions I am thinking that comes the more children you have, but I am curious and look forward to asking my midwife about it this week. I start going every other week to the midwife so that means I am nearing the end! We are getting more and more anxious to meet our babe, especially after getting out the photo albums this week and looking at the pictures of our other babes! We are also still wondering if this will be our first boy, or our 5th girl!! We are also still searching for a name, I have a girls name that Bryan isn't overly happy with, but did say we could keep it as an option!! :-) As to a boy name, I really don't know!! The baby moves around a lot and the girls love to feel the baby!
We had a very nice holiday time with Bryan home. As a family we don't celebrate Christmas, but we do give gifts for New Years and have a special day on new years day. The girls were looking forward to new years day and all the presents more this year then ever before. We had all the young people from church over on New Years Eve so I let the girls stay up hoping they would sleep in and they did very well getting up around 9:30am. We loved having all the YP over, I wasn't expecting everyone to come as it was a rather last min. decision, but we ended up with 19 YP. We all had a great time playing games, talking and eating. Our church is very blessed to have such a wonderful group of godly YP. Bryan and I always enjoy being with them, and so do our girls.
Our new years day was very nice and the girls enjoyed their gifts, their favorite was the box of scissors, paper, glue, and other crafty things. Alicia especially loves sitting at the table making notes and cards and cutting and gluing. We watched some of the home videos from 2010 and were amazed at how much Cassia has changed in a year.
With this new year I have had a change of heart to the way I have been running my life. I talked things over with my husband last night (until 1:30am) and he has agreed with me so now I am excited to begin. Due to a blog post I read and the Lord's prompting, I have decided to slow down and enjoy my time with the girls more. I am not going to try to train myself to rise early and get going, only to end up exhausted and cranky by the next day or two. I am going to continue going back to bed after Bryan leaves and snuggle with all my girls. As long as we are eating breakfast by 9am I will be happy. We will do school in the morning and not stop for snacks and then after lunch we can do our chores. I want to enjoy the girls and not be so rushed and I want to be cheerful and patient. I need sleep right now, I only have the chance to get sleep for another 10 weeks or so, and I want to enjoy it! The girls are going to grow up so fast, I want to enjoy them so that is just what I am going to do. My husband said the only things he expects from me in a day is to love the girls, discipline the girls, and train the girls. He does appreciate a clean house but if it just doesn't get done because I am too busy with the girls, then not to worry. My expectations were all from myself, it is freeing to see God's hand lead me in new ways. So we will be taking more time to snuggle, read books, and let the girls help in the kitchen. If you come to visit and the house is messy, it will be messy because we are enjoying life! Don't worry we always clean up before bed! So come and visit and enjoy life with us!!
Enough of my babbling.........time to go have tea with my mom!!
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