Cassia's birthday pictures are at the bottom of the post! I always forget which way they load!
I am not yet use to having 5 daughters! It is a lot of work and I am exahusted! I had a melt down this week I think I cried all morning! I finally broke down on the phone to Bryan and when I got off Moriah asked me why I was whinning and crying like a baby!! :-) My first reaction was to tell her I was NOT whining, but I probably was!! I also told her that mommies tend to cry when they are tired and I was very tired! I don't think the girls knew what to think, but I didn't either, so Bryan came home and my mom came and picked up the girls! I have had a cold for a few weeks now and I don't think that was helping me feel any better! I still don't feel that great but at least a little more rested. I think I will be happier the older Ellia gets! I feel bad saying that. I have read a few blogs of women who have just recently had babies as well and they are all saying how much they love having a new born and how they wish they could have a new born all the time! Not me!! I can't wait for the time to go by and for her to be older! Not that I don't enjoy cuddling with her and all that, it is just so exahausting! I never have been a 'baby' person!
People keep asking me if we are going to have more, the nurses in the hospital, the bank lady, peopel in stores, and I keep thinking to myself as I try to smile sweetly and say "we will seee" that now is really not the time to ask such a question! I just gave birth less then 3 weeks ago and am exahusted trying to take care of all 5! So please don't ask!! Ofcourse I would never say that, I just write it on my blog!! :-)
I know in time things will get better, and really some nice weather would really lift the spirits around here! We would all just love to be outside!! So I am sure that in a couple weeks once spring sets in I will write another post about how fun having 5 little girls is, right now I am too tired!! :-) Not to say we aren't having some fun!
Her are some random pictures for you to enjoy!
They gave them to me when they came to the hospital to see Ellia. We enjoyed showing them off to the nurses, who were all amazed that we have 5 daughters!
Victoria has only eaten part of an apple and had a little to drink, but she doesn't seem too sick. She actually told me she likes being sick becuase then she doesn't have to do anything! She is hoping to eat supper tonight so that she can have just a little piece of Cassia's birthday cake!
I am hoping no one else gets sick, especially myself and Ellia!
Now on to the birthday girl..............
I did take some birthday pictures today and that is one thing I usually forget!
Cassia is definetly the life of our family. She makes us all laugh and keeps us all in line. I am having to dicipline alittle more now as all those cute things she says and does aren't so cute the second time! I do think we all tend to spoil her which makes me wonder how Ellia will turn out!
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