While I was doing the dishes (for one of the last times, as we are getting a dishwasher next week!! Hurray! more on that later) tonight I realized that this is probably the last day we have internet access at home, so I best update while I can! No pictures this time as I don't have time and last month we went over the limit for downloading and it cost a pretty penny!! Opps!!
Life continues to keep moving. Ellia is now 3 months old, she trys hard to lift her head up to sit up and she is enjoying the exersaucer for limited amounts of time. The bumbo is handy too, but again only for limited time! I am enjoying my babes more now then before, her smiles and coos and almost belly laughs makes me forget all the difficulties! Her hair still has some orange in it and her eyes still have not decided on a color! She reminds me most of Alicia now as she has the long face and petite features. Nursing is going well, I let her cry a few times last night as she sometimes gets up more the once a night and I am tired of that. She doesn't seem to even drink that much and then falls back asleep so I am going to try to stick to only once a night. She seems to be very sensitive to loud noises and sudden movements.......are all babies like that? I can't remember! She is drooling lots, more then I remember any of her sisters doing and she chews on her hands with a vengance! Makes me wonder if she is going to get teeth soon! I guess to sum it all up life is getting just a little bit easier as Ellia gets a little bit older!! :-)
We did start school, the girls love to do it! School usually happens at the end of the day just before supper, we just do a little bit of math, writing, and phonics. I am always amazed at what the girls remember and how far ahead they are. I can tell that Victoria's reading has improved and she loves to read all the time! I was talking to a homeschooling mom while we were camping and she mentioned that a speaker at OCHEC talked about how important reading the classics to our children is, how the language from the older books is so much better. I believe the speaker said to read 4 hours a day, but that is way too much for me so we are starting with a chapter here and there! I think the point of 4 hours is that you don't need to do history you just read about it and other subjects as well. I would love to go to OCHEC but every year something comes up!! Maybe next year!! We started Little Women and are really enjoying it! The girls are even acting it out!
We had a wonderful time camping.......okay, maybe I didn't find it so wonderful but the girls did! I love camping but this year I was ready to go home just a few days into it! If Bryan had been there I do think it would have been better! It helped so much to have my mom and sister there as I did no cooking or clean up I was always busy taking care of Ellia! The girls loved biking around as this year they were given the freedom to bike around our 'block' as long as the stayed together! My favorite part was talking to and getting to know some of the other homeschool moms!
We are heading to Port Burwell as a family the end of August for 5 days, I can't say I am overly excited I really don't think camping with a nursing baby is all that great! But this time Bryan will be there so that makes it much better! We woudl really love to sell our trailer, but with all the money we had to put into it, it will be hard to get the money out of it!
I just love our coutry place I love going outside at night to get the clothes of the clothes line or check on the vegetable garden and just enjoy the peace and space! The house is a little small at times but I continue to work at organizing and just getting rid of things to make space! My garden is doing really well thus far............we shall see what it looks like by the end of the summer!! :-) I have a habit of keeping up with the hoeing for the first few weeks and then letting go the rest! We have enjoyed our beautiful flower gardens with fresh flowers in the house for awhile! It is so sad that they don't last longer!
Bryan came home with sand for our huge sandbox today, but will have to go back for more as it is only 1/3 full!! I am hoping that the girls will spend lots of time in there this summer!
And on to the most exciting news................the dishwasher!! Yes, after all my, "oh, I like doing dishes", and "it really doesn't take that long", and " I don't need a dishwasher" I finally broke down a day last week.......it really was a hard day and I was so tired.........and I actually said to Bryan "honey, I think I am ready for dishwasher". I took it all back the next day and told him it really wasn't neccessary, but as always my husband knows me so very well that he went out and bought one telling me that it was all for him. He wants me to spend more time with him and he hates doing dishes! So even though I can justify getting a dishwasher a bunch of different ways and even though I feel guilty to be spending the money on one, I am going to enjoy it and take that little bit of extra time to enjoy not only my husband but my 5 little girlies too!
Well, it is past bed time for my two oldest who are outside helping daddy put wood chips around the trees (it is great to know Ontario Hydro people and get free wood chips) and in the gardens! But tomorrow night will be even later as it is our tradition to watch the fireworks in Blenheim on Canada Day. Maybe I will even remember to dress everyone in red and white tomorrow!!
Oh, and just a little update on my dad! He is set for surgery to remove the lymph nodes around his kydney in September. And at that time the doctor will check his kidney for cancer and decide wether or not it has to be removed too. We were all very hopefull that maybe it was not cancer, but now it looks like it has to be. He is having a bunch of tests done to see if the cancer is anywhere else. He just started a special diet which is mostly fruits and vegetables. We continue to pray that the doctors would have wisdom and that mom and dad would have 'the peace that passes all understanding'. I still feel like this can't be so but I also notice myself perking up and listening whenever I hear anything about cancer. God is good and that is seen even more when we go through the trials that this life brings, what a joy it is to have a God to bring all of our cares to!
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