I am laying around all day and enjoy thinking back on my life as a mother. So I thought I would write a post about each of our children since I actually have the time and it is fun to think of each of them since I can't spend any time with them. I miss being a mother to our girls, I miss the cuddles and the kisses. I am so thankful that this season of morning sickness will pass and again I will be their mother.
So here is a little about my first born daughter.
Of course I forgot which way the pictures show up so the older pictures are at the bottom and the more resent at the top!
Our dear sweet enthusiastic Victoria.........it is hard to believe she is reaching the age of 6 in just a few short months. Today she told me that she doesn't really like to play with the neighbor boys anymore, she would rather read. So she kept herself busy reading Little House while her sisters were getting dirty with the neighbor boys. Victoria is quite the reader, it amazes me at how 'fast' she can read. I often ask her if she is actually reading every page. She can finish a novel like Little House in one day. I know when I was 5 going on 6 I sure didn't read like that. She started Little Women a few days ago but has missed placed it so she hasn't finished it, though I think that might be a little old for her. It is such a blessing to have a daughter who loves reading but I have a feeling it is going to be rather difficult finding enough 'good' books the way she reads so fast. Not only is she a great reader but she is also a great speller. We started school a few weeks ago and I think she is around lesson 8 in her spelling book and she has only gotten one word wrong! Not sure what to do when ones child already knows how to spell the words a grade ahead...maybe start the next grade! Victoria would
definitely be bored in school if she was in grade 1 where she is suppose to. But I have a feeling that she will even herself out eventually.

Victoria is a great 'helper'. I can always count on her to do what I ask and to do it pretty much right away. I have to make sure I don't depend on just her since she is the easiest to ask. I do try to spread it out and get her sisters to help too. She is always so enthusiastic and can get everyone motivated for just simple things. I would consider her a 'people person' as everyone loves to be around her. It is such a blessing to have such a happy, cheerful child.
Of course our dear Victoria is not perfect! Are you surprised? I know I am sometimes, I expect so much out of her
because she does obey the easiest out of all of our children. But she does have her struggles, lately it has been that she likes to tell us 'how good she is and how she did such and such but so and so didn't'. We are teaching our eldest daughter some
humility. Victoria has always been a big talker since before she could say actual words and in some ways that is also one of her problem areas as she isn't always so kind in how she talks, or can be rather bossy.

Victoria loves her sisters, even if she does need a break from them once in awhile. I think reading for her helps her find some alone time to just be in her own little world with out her sister there to mess it up. Being a people person she likes to take charge and her sisters don't always want to go along with it. Often her sisters do what she says
because she says is happily and it is exciting and fun. She has a great imagination too!

When Victoria found out that I was pregnant and Katy (our neighbor) was also pregnant with her 5
th. Her reaction was "wow, I am going to be busy helping with both the new babies" It was so neat to hear her desire to help and to see her
thoughtfulness. She has some great 'mothering' skills and loves to use them on anyone she can. I know she means well, but like I said above, those being mothered don't always appreciate it. Though the real mothers do
a little because she is good at letting us know if someone is getting into trouble and she keeps all the little ones occupied.

My Victoria loves to shop too. All my girls do! They love to go out and look for things even if it is just grocery shopping. My grandparents (my mom's parents) love to take the 3 oldest girls shopping and out to
McDonalds. They
actually come up with a little list and let the girls find the items. They are in their glory and so are my grandparents. I don't have to worry about letting
Pake and
Beppe know what to order at
McDonalds, Victoria knows just what everyone likes!

Even though my little munchkin is a very good girl..........she still has gotten in to things when mommy wasn't looking. She likes to sneak a few cookies or candies or play with water where she isn't suppose to. In the above picture she is
eating dirt! I don't think she cared for it!

Victoria was such an easy baby that when she was just 6 months old I was pregnant again! I remember being so amazed at how big Victoria looked when we brought home little Alicia. Our little girl had grown up over night.

I know I am rather bias in my
opinion but I do believe she is one of the most adorable babies ever. She had such a adorable look about her. I wonder if it had to do with those adorable chubby cheeks and her pretty eyes. Oh... where did my little baby go! They grow up so fast!

I was so excited to have a baby girl. I figured she was going to be a boy since I wanted a girl! It was such a nice surprise. I do believe that her labor and delivery was my easiest
of course that could be
because it is the farthest from my memory, but I do think I am right. I felt great after she was born, I never minded the middle of the night feedings. She lived in her swing. I do remember that she was the only one of our children that Bryan ever heard crying in the middle of the night. After her Bryan just slept through the crying.
So that is the end of my '
rememberings' about my oldest daughter. She is such a delight to us, we love her so much. I look forward to seeing how God will use her to further His Kingdom her on earth.
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