Another beautiful baby girl!! I was so happy as I had always wanted
at least one girl! Alicia's birth is one that still gets me going. I wish so much that I had pushed to have her naturally instead of by c-section. I also realize that God taught me a lot
because I had a c-section, so sometimes even when things don't go the way we want, we get to learn some good lessons. I can remember the first couple nights in the hospital I would call a nurse to bring we Alicia so I could nurse her but I would always call her Victoria. I would also fall asleep while nursing and was afraid I might drop her. Thankfully Alicia was a very good baby those first few days, only crying when she wanted to eat and going right back to sleep. None of my other babies have been like that, they all have wanted to be held and nursed all the time!
Of course Alicia made up for all that contentedness later on as she managed to be my fussiest baby (until Cassia came along). Bryan was so excited when Alicia was born and he invited a bunch of people to come to the hospital to see her on Sunday night. I was not so happy to see the company and kept trying to be polite wishing they would all leave as the horrible 'gas' pain had started just as they arrived. I was so relieved when they all left! But it was cute to see Bryan so excited as he isn't one to show emotions much!

These are the first matching dresses that I made for the girls and they have also always been my favorite. I have made this pattern many times. Victoria loved her baby sister from day one and Alicia and her continue to be close friends and sisters. Alicia is so different from her sister much more quiet and reserved. Even though she was a fussy baby we still enjoyed her so much.

Our Alicia has quite the personality and a good stubborn streak that came through early in life. The first bit of stubbornness I remember is trying to get her on solids. This little munchkin refused to have anything but mommy's milk and mommy's milk was drying up due to a new baby on the way. I tried so hard to continue nursing Alicia while being sick and pregnant with
Moriah. When Alicia started getting up every 2 hours at night I knew we had to get her eating. We were camping, I was throwing up often, Alicia was crying lots, I was desperate even trying sweet yogurt and ice cream! When we got back she finally would take cereal and we put her on a
sippy cup instead of a bottle. I was so relieved when she started eating. That is one of those times I look back on and wonder how in the world I ever managed!

Alicia could be a little monkey, getting into things. She liked to do what her sister did, except when it came to walking. She didn't walk until she was almost 18 months. She was also one of our slowest hair growers. It seemed to take so long for her to have hair long enough to put a pony tail in. Today she has the prettiest hair and it so long and straight. I remember people saying she was going to by a tom boy, but that statement could not be farther from the truth!

Alicia has always been our smallest child, right from birth. She is built petite, but yet she always looks a little chubby in pictures! She has a
gymnast body, but I don't think we will ever put her in gymnastics. My mother in law calls her the 'runner'. She is also our healthiest eater. She will often turn down ice cream or cookies or only eat a little. She takes after her mother in the breakfast department and eats tons of it. We have bagels for breakfast Sunday mornings and she often eats 2 and a half! She can eat a bunch of pancakes or waffles too.

Alicia has had a bad habit since she was about 2 years old and that is biting her nails. I still haven't found a way to get her to stop. I consider her my 'artsy' child, the outfits she comes down in are very interesting. She always wears a skirt or dress and her favorite color is pink. She is very decided and it is hard to get her to change her mind about something. She
definitely gives us a run for our money when it comes to
disciplining. We often wonder if we are getting through to her and then all of a sudden she will blurt something out in the middle of the day and I see that she is
remembering more then we realize. She is such s spunky girl and nothing gets by her! She is the type that it isn't always what you say, but how you say it. If we say in a loud angry voice, "Alicia, Eat Your Supper" that is it and she is done, the tears come and there is no way she will eat until after she is
disciplined. If we say in a nice sweet calm voice, "Alicia, eat your supper' away she goes
eating her supper, no problem. You think this would be easy for us to remember but not so when we get frustrated! Alicia is also the girl that I will look at while
disciplining and say "
sweetheart, mommy has talked to you about this before, why do you keep disobeying me?" And then that still small voice inside my head says "Valerie, you have asked
forgiveness for the same thing before, why do you keep sinning?" Alicia sure teaches us a lot about ourselves!

Alicia is a pretty child when it comes to looks, and we continue to teach her that it is heart and her actions that need to be beautiful. She is a sweet child saying I love you and giving hugs and kisses. During this sick time right now, she has been the hardest for me to keep at an arms length. She is also the only one that tells me on the phone that she misses me and loves me (which always bring tears to my eyes).

Our pink girl.........I try not to indulge her in this, but her grandma enjoys it! I do enjoy her
girliness and her love for skirts and dresses. She also enjoys being a mother and caring for her many dolls. Polly pockets are a new addition to our toy collection too. Alicia loves real babies, I think her cousin Hannah was her favorite. She would sit by Hannah just holding her hand, not bothering her, and just look at her. She is excited about holding her new baby sister (or brother).

Alicia holds back the most of our children. She is slow to try new things and slow to trust new people. She has no desire to 'join the crowd' but is content to be herself. I love this about her! I hope she continues to seek the Lord and do what He says and not what the crowd says. I see myself in this little girl so much that I can't help praying that she won't make the same mistakes I made! I love her stubbornness and shyness, but I pray that she won't be hurt and that the
stubbornness would be molded by the Lord. Our Alicia Joy is such a sweet dear little girl and with her too we look forward to seeing how God uses her to further His Kingdom!
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