Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thanksgiving Camping - Weirder Pictures

So, V wants me to post more of the weird pictures, so here it goes!
Eating chips on the beach.

Joel really wanted to play "Rusk" (aka "Risk") with Dad.

The photoshoot with V! I accidentally focused the camera on the weeds not V!

Trying to talk while I take a picture, isn't a wise idea!

This was just sitting there, and I thought I'd take a pic of it

Mom doing something while Moriah is reaching for more chips

I have no idea what Joel was trying to do!

Standing by the water (notice that I'm the one taking the pictures)

Classic Victoria #1

and #2

Eating macaroni

Cassia climbing a tree.
You can barely notice her "black" (it was more blue/purple than black) eye.

Classic Victoria #3

Standing at a boardwalk on a trail overlooking the beach.


Sitting around the fire 24/7 unless we're on a trail or in the van!

I close with this great picture of Mom! Totally describes how all of us were looking at V most of the time.

All in all, we had a good time!
Now, it rainy and dreary, and a good movie day!


  1. Notice how all the best weird pictures are mine....
    V ;)

  2. Hmm. The best weird picture is me looking at you, weirdly!!

  3. Yah!
    It perfectly describes everything
