Saturday, April 13, 2013

Swimming with Daddy

Sometimes I have wished that Bryan was like some of those husbands that help with dishes, laundry or cooking. Bryan doesn't do those things, at least not very often. He bought me a dishwasher because he really does not like doing dishes. He does like a clean house, so in the past when things have gotten really bad he has pitched in. Like this past week when I had to go away in the evening with the 3 oldest girls and I had not managed my time very well, leaving the house a disaster! I really did not expect Bryan to clean up. To my surprise not only did he do the dishes and clean up the toys but he even vacuumed too!! That was so nice! But that is all beside the point. We are all different in what we can and want to do! Not a lot of husbands who do all those things would do what my husband is doing right now! He took all 5 of our girls swimming at our local pool! That is five girls between the ages of 2 and 8 years of age! I really did not expect him to take Ellia, but was very thankful that he did. The girls love to go and since it has been rainy and cold this week they have not been out much. I have been extra tired due to a too busy weekend and then some late nights this week. They really needed to get out and get some exercise. I know that Bryan would have never thought he could take all 5, but I love that he does it and it really helps me out, plus the girls have not seen much of him this week so it is great for them all!
This was taken when we were in Toronto. At the local pool the girls can touch and they have life jackets for the little girls. There is also a big slide and a little slide and lots of toys. We also love the family change room that has a shower in it. Bryan even washes the girls hair for me!!

Here you can see the 3 oldest girls clinging to Bryan, this use to be how swimming was for us. Many children piled on pulling every which way and holding on for dear life!! But now they are swimming (at least if they can touch or with a life jacket). The girls can stay in the pool for hours, jumping in and just playing around! I am really looking forward to this summer.
 As to me, I am not feeling so great. I am on my way to a nice hot bath with Epsom salts. I have a sore throat and am very tired. Also, I was nursing Joel and looking down at him and brought my head up and pulled something in my neck, so I can't move it to the right at all. I am hoping the bath will warm me up and relive some of the tightness in my neck.
Joel continues to be a sweet content baby! Almost sleeping through the night, last feeding between 9 and 10 pm and then sleeping until 5am. He is smiling more and cooing! He enjoys his excersaucer and mat with toys hanging over him. I take him to the Dr. this week for a check up so I can find out how much he weighs! Monday is the day, we have dentist appointments for the 4 oldest girls in the morning and Joel's appointment with the Dr. in the afternoon! I am taking all 6 kids to both appointments, so I shall see how it will go! I am planning on bringing lots of snacks and drinks to keep every one happy!

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