Here is a house tour.
When you walk in this is what you see....well, usually the vaccum is not there! I was lazy today and did not clean up before taking the pictures! When you come in you can go up or down. This part of the house was an addition and was poorly built. This part is not heated but it doesn't get too cold either.
When you walk up the stairs on your left is the toy room, it is part of the addition. The door leads to a deck. This room is heated.
The trampoline comes from my mother in law, it works great when the girls start running around I tell them to go jump! They really enjoy it, I will have to use it after the baby comes!
I didn't bother with a picture of the kitchen, but here is the dinning room. I have some curtains waiting to be hung but I need some curtain rods. I love how the sun comes in here every morning! It is such a bright and cheery place to work and play!
This is from the other side of the room, leading into the living room.
This is the little front porch, it is closed in but not insulated. We are looking forward to sitting in here this spring and summer!
The living room. THe stereo is in the corner, it makes the whole house so cozy!
The stairs going down when you come in the side door. All of our hats, mittens, and scarves are in the drawers. This area works very well for all that stuff!
Our storage area and hanging area. I still need to go through all those boxes and things, I just made enough room to hang the clothes. I now do a load of laundry everynight after 9pm and then hang it in the morning. I have just enough room for one load. It works well and hopefully saves some money!
My new washing machine!! I did mention that we are living a more oldfashioned life right!! My wringer washing machine is a great addition to this new life! But I must confess I have never used it yet! It is fun to look at and I do hope to try it out, but my front loader washing machine is to the left of it!
The hallway upstairs. To the immediate right is the bathroom. To the immediate left is Cassia's room and then the door on the right that you see is Bryan and I's room and the door on the left is the girls room.
The girls room, the 2 sets of bunkbeds fit rather nicely.

This is the newer set and yes that is Mr. Bingley having a nap on Alicia's bed!
The only closets in the whole house! The right side has the girls dresses, the left Bryan and I's hanging stuff and in the middle is a dresser for cassia's clothes and her hanging stuff on top. I do enjoy having one place to hang everything.
The girls are about to come home, I hardly did anything today! I didn't even do the dishes yet! I did make a skirt each for V and M and I spent lots of time catching up on the blogs I like to visit! Back to the real world in a few min. It was nice to have a day off but all this sitting around has made me tired too! I miss the girls and look forward to them coming home and hearing all about their day! And I look forward to Bryan coming home too, but he is playing hockey after work so he won't be home until around 8pm!
This is the newer set and yes that is Mr. Bingley having a nap on Alicia's bed!
That is the end of the tour for now I did not include the bathroom, Bryan and I's bedroom or the kitchen, maybe next time!
The girls are about to come home, I hardly did anything today! I didn't even do the dishes yet! I did make a skirt each for V and M and I spent lots of time catching up on the blogs I like to visit! Back to the real world in a few min. It was nice to have a day off but all this sitting around has made me tired too! I miss the girls and look forward to them coming home and hearing all about their day! And I look forward to Bryan coming home too, but he is playing hockey after work so he won't be home until around 8pm!
Remember you can always come and visit!!
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