My Dear Cassia is growing up! She is such a joy to our family now more then ever. She was my fussiest baby and a true mommy's girl. But she has outgrown both of those and is very pleasant and sweet! She plays so well especially when her sister aren't around to bug her. She jibber jabbers just like Victoria did, makes us wonder if she will be a 'talker' like Victoria! She is starting to say some words, her favorite is Mommy. She says mommy over and over again and comes over to me and looks at me waiting for me to look her in the eye and then she jabbers away. She is walking very well now and despite what others say, I love having a baby that walks before 18 months!! She isn't wearing out her clothes like her sisters did! With growing up comes exploring and seeing what mommy will do if she disobeys! I always find it hard diciplining a baby.....well even my older girls! I suppose no mother actually enjoys it! I am reading "Don't Make Me Count To Three" right now, and it seems very insightful! I highly recommened it. She quotes Tedd Trip alot! Back to Cassia, she is a stubborn little munchkin, but such a sweet one too! Check out the pictures below....I bet you will think she is sweet too!
Here she is sporting her first 'piggy tails' not that they lasted too long! Before she was born I was kind of hoping for a boy so that I wouldn't have another head of hair to do, but baby hair is the most fun!!
And her is her wonderful smile! Oh, what a cutie!
Our summer is flying by, most of our vacations are done and now I am into cleaning, organizing, pitching, and painting. I took a van load of stuff to Bibles for Missions and filled up the garbage can, that was only the storage room and sewing room. Oh, and a few toys, but don't tell the girls! They got these stuffed dogs for Christmas from Bryan's Grandmother that look like Bratz dogs! I quickly got rid of the clothes and shoes right away. Since the girls were at my mom's today I got rid of the dogs too! In the garbage they went! It feels so good to cleanup and clean out! I am painting the trim in the kitchen and I had some holes to patch in a few rooms! We hope to go camping one more time in September. After that we will be busy getting in to the school routine!
Our summer is flying by, most of our vacations are done and now I am into cleaning, organizing, pitching, and painting. I took a van load of stuff to Bibles for Missions and filled up the garbage can, that was only the storage room and sewing room. Oh, and a few toys, but don't tell the girls! They got these stuffed dogs for Christmas from Bryan's Grandmother that look like Bratz dogs! I quickly got rid of the clothes and shoes right away. Since the girls were at my mom's today I got rid of the dogs too! In the garbage they went! It feels so good to cleanup and clean out! I am painting the trim in the kitchen and I had some holes to patch in a few rooms! We hope to go camping one more time in September. After that we will be busy getting in to the school routine!
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