Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Exciting Things in Life

This post will not have pictures as I don't feel like taking the time to up load any. I am in the middle (or more the begining and have a long way to go) of spring cleaning! I was so excited to start but now the task is seeming to get no where!
The reason for getting no where in the cleaning department is not that I have NOT been cleaning, but washing bedding and towels over and over again does not get the spring cleaning done! Would you believe that the flu had the nerve to walk into my home right during spring cleaning!! Ofcourse the bedding has gotten its fair share of the next 5 years of spring cleaning and all those extra towels that I never understood why I kept them laying around, are in fact very useful! For you to understand what my title has to do with this post let me start at the begining...........
Friday night at about 10 o'clock Bryan and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie, we heard little foot steps coming down the stairs from the girls room. We looked at eachother smiling, what was Moriah's excuse tonight! We laughed over a few thoughts of what her excuse might be and as the door squeaked open and around the corner came our little munchkin, we were not expecting what we saw! She was covered in vomit! We quickly rushed to her as she threw up again. I rushed her to the tub and Bryan went upstairs to clean up, up there. I quickly washed our poor little girl, dressed her, and put her in our bed with a few towels under her. I went upstairs to help Bryan and found out that she had been sleeping with Alicia. Thankfully Alicia was clean, but what was not so nice is most of the mess was on the carpet (I was reminded again to never put carpet in a kids room). We cleaned as best we could and moved Alicia into Moriah's bed. Moriah continued to throw up all night. The next day I washed all of Alicia's bedding (just to remind you I had just the day before washed all the girls bedding, for spring cleaning) and our bedding, and a bunch of towels. Anyhow, our poor Moriah was sick until Sunday late afternoon. Sunday night I braced myself for the next sick child! Sure enough 10pm Sunday night, Cassia was crying, Bryan went to check on her and called me in to help. She had thrown up, I bathed her, he cleaned up her bed. I put her back to bed and in the morning found that she had thrown up again. But the rest of the day went well, nothing happend Monday night and on Tuesday I thought we were in the clear, the flu had left our little house. We even went to our neighbors outdoor birhtday party on Tuesday morning. The kids had been cranky all day as some had colds, so we decided to put them to bed early. As we were doing family worship and all praying together Alicia threw up on Bryan's lap, herself and the floor. That put and end to family worship and got us going. Alicia had a bath and was tucked into our bed once again. I put the dirty blankets and clothes in the laundry. But this is when the exciting part happened!! Alicia continued to throw up, but she was able to do it in the container provided!! I was so thrilled when I heard her throw up and walked in the room to see she had done just what I asked!! I think it is just as exciting as when a child finally understands going to the bathroom on the toilet!! I was so relieved and happy and thought to myslef, "I can do this, this won't be nearly so bad" I got a burst of energy and started cleaning the house. I was just about done vacuming the couch when there was Victoria standing before me with vomit all over her! I quickly turned off the vaccum and she proudly and excitedly told me that she, " only threw up on her bed, not the floor" I tried to be positive, but all I could think was, "here we go again" In the tub she went Bryan watched her as I quickly finished the couch. Then as I was washing Victoria's hair, Cassia started to cry, Bryan went to get her and yes, ofcourse she had thrown up too! So as I was finishing Victoria's bath Bryan got Cassia into the kitchen sink for a bath and then I bathed Cassia while Bryan dressed Victoria. Ofcourse all I could think to myself, was "so much for this being easy" and "I wonder if Moriah will start throwing up again too"! We tucked Cassia back in her own bed and Victoria in with Alicia. The funny thing about all this is I think Victoria was very excited about everything, throwing up in the night, having a bath, sleeping in our bed. She was so excited and chipper even inthe night when she came to tell me Alicia had throw up again, she was so happy and bubbly! And again in the morning she was so bubbly and excited. I suppose it was an encouragment to me, and a reason to smile despite the mountain of laundry, to see Victoria so happy! Anyhow, we made it through the night, with Alicia and Victoria in our bed, Moriah in Alicia's bed (as it was Moriah's bed that Alicia threw up on during family worship), Bryan on Victoria's bed and me on the couch. So far today no one has thrown up! I put all the girls down for a nap and I think Victoria and Moriah are sleeping, but Alicia isn't yet. I am very much hoping that this is the end of the flu and that it does not stick around long enough for Bryan or I to get it! But if we do get it, atleast we are able to make it to the toilet!! And I am so thrilled that Alicia is growing up along with Victoria, it is much easier when children throw up in the bucket instead of all over........everything!
So there you have it the exciting life of the Marentette Home!!

Now back to Spring cleaning..............


  1. Whoa... I'm amazed you could keep that all straight! But then again, I tend to remember for years afterward just who got sick and where! Not fun!
    Our experience with the flu & kids is that it nearly always lasts for days (unlike the old predictable 24 hour thing) and is contagious for a lot longer than most people think!

    I hope everyone is better now and that you and Bryan continue to be healthy!

  2. I ended up getting the flu on Friday, it was pretty bad. I didn't feel myself until MOnday. Thankfully that is all over! I felt bad for the girls, realizing what they must have gone through! We are still getting over colds/coughs but atleast the house is in order again!
