While I was busy making supper tonight the girls were quietly coloring on the floor. They were very excited about it and doing their best to stay in the lines. Our home is not always quiet and cozy, but at this moment it was so I just had to take a picture. Our small kitchen is not something I often enjoy, but tonight I did. It was nice to have the girls close, to have them at my feet busily working away, to have the babes eatting cherrios in her high chair, and to have Moriah busy playing with....well I am not sure what she was playing with! (not sure if that is good:-))

Alicia has always enjoyed coloring, but Victoria always passes over it in her school books. I don't think coloring needs to be done if she doesn't want to. Tonight was different she was happy to color and was staying in the lines better then ever before. Whenever the girls do something that I get excited about and exclaim over how well they are doing it (example: washing their hair) they ask to call Beppe (my mom) and tell her how good they did! It is a great incentive for them to do well, and I know Beppe loves to hear from them.

Here is a picture of my dear sweet baby who as of only a few days ago, does not need her mother anymore! My nursing days with her are almost over, I am happy and sad! She loves her goats milk in a sippy cups and loves to eat, her favorite are baby cookies and cheerios.

Here is Alicia calling Beppe and telling her all about her coloring and everything that happend today (even though we had just gotten back from spending the afternoon at Beppe's). I thought I would take the opportunity to show off our new cupboards!

Here is a close up of our counter top and our new 10month old!! Isn't she just the cutest baby girl ever!! We love her to bits and bits! She LOVES her sisters and gets so excited when she hers them coming. Her favorite is when they play peek a boo with her! Tonight she also loved the camera and kept smiling everytime I pointed it at her!!
Now Bryan is home so I am going to go spend sometime with him. He has been gone a lot on service calls the last few days! Even out until 2:30am Sunday! I think I will grab some Smartie Ice Cream (that we bought for the girls :-)) and head downstairs to watch the hockey game with him. I have read, in a few books now, that wives should show an interest in what their husband likes, so I better go try that bit of advice out!
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