Earlier this month, about two weeks ago, Mr. Nymann went to Nigeria and since the Nymanns now live in Windsor, we saw each other every day except for Tuesday!
On Monday, the Nymanns came for the day after dropping Mr. Nymann off at the airport, and we had fun. Ethan, Christopher, Moriah, and I played on the trampoline for about an hour, until our feet got literally numb.
On Wednesday, we went to the Nymanns' house. We went to Jackson Park that afternoon and had lots of fun. We slept overnight there. The girls and boys switched rooms since the boys' room is much bigger than the girls' room. So, Moriah slept in the "toy area" and Cassia & Hannah slept on the floor in the "bed area" and I was so hot up there, that I slept on the bottom bunk and I could get the cool air from the fan!
On Thursday, we played on the trampoline, well, Moriah, Gideon, Christopher and I were, and occasionally Hannah, Cassia, and Ellia were with us. Joel was normally inside or with us. We played games, and, thanks to Gideon, I got two rug burns 😔. Oh, I forgot to mention that Victoria & Ethan were on the Omnibus Trip to Toronto.
Hannah came home with us on Thursday, and that are the pics that I took while Mom was somewhere.
These pics are from having Hannah over!
On Friday, the Nymanns slept over. Friday afternoon, Ethan, Moriah, Gideon, Christopher and I played on the trampoline, and we did a "How High Can You Go?" (like limbo, "How Low Can You Go?" 😊), and Ethan can jump over my head, and Christopher can jump over both Moriah and my head! Kinda scary!!! But we used a rope, so it wasn't that dangerous!!!!
On Saturday, Mom & Erin went to Carrie's for the day, since Dad was at work, Ethan & Victoria babysat us, not like we need that much supervision! We literally watched Studio C all day!!! When Dad got home we went for a walk in Rondeau, played at the park, and came home! V didn't go with us, 'cause she needed to make lunch for Potluck on Sunday.
Victoria made pizza dough when we got back home, and we all made our own pizzas. I rolled out mine, and Ethan was having trouble, so I did his too! All the pizzas looked very interesting ... hmmm. We watched the Incredibles 2 movie, I think I might've dozed off while watching the movie, I don't know, I heard the whole movie though! By the way, the Nymanns slept over Saturday night, too.
On Sunday morning, we all had breakfast, and left early to help set up church. Matt & Jess were gone to a wedding, so Ken was setting up, but since it was potluck. Our job was to set up the gym, while V & Moriah helped Ken set up the sanctuary. So then setting up the tables was Ethan, Moriah, Gideon, Christopher, Cassia, Hannah, Ellia, Joel and I. Ops, and Dad drove us, since Mom & Erin came later!
Then, the rest is history. We had a great time, and want to do it again sometime!!!
I need to get ready to go camping tonight!!! YAY!!!!! By the way, it's supposed to thunderstorm tonight, that'll be an adventure!!!!!!!!!
- Alicia M.