Sunday, March 24, 2013

Trip to the Mall and the flu

I happen to have a husband who enjoys shopping and buying things for his girls. He has been wanting to go to the states for a while to do some shopping as there were a few things we wanted that we couldn't get in Canada. So I suggested we go as a family for our birthdays. I have to admit that shopping with 6 children does not sound all that fun to me, but I was preparing myself to just focus on having fun and not on actually looking for things. The week before out trip we went to some friends and we ended up getting the flu from them. Moriah came down with it on Wednesday. It seemed to happen 3 days after being exposed. So I kind of figured one of the other girls would come down with it on Saturday. I continued as planned preparing for our trip. I had the house cleaned, meals for the weekend made and extra clothes, buckets, and paper towels packed. I knew Bryan really wanted to go and the older girls were really looking forward to it as well. Friday night Joel was up every few hours and Cassia started throwing up. Saturday morning Cassia seemed pretty good, she was talking and looking fine. So away we went. We got about 30 min. from home and Ellia started throwing up. This would have been a good time to turn around, but being the way I am (stubborn) we continued on after getting Ellia all cleaned up. I figured we would just not feed the girls then they wouldn't throw up. I had 2 strollers so they could each go in one and I could carry Joel (I had forgotten my wrap). We got to the border with Ellia throwing up one more time. I was beginning to wish I had stayed home with the 3 youngest, but we kept going. We got to the mall and to my great surprise we really had a great time. It wasn't too busy, the girls were super good, and Joel, being his usual self did wonderfully. The sick girls were quiet and slept, they are the ones who would have been the most work. We found some great deals on Sunday shoes and boots for next winter and then went for lunch.

 I commented to Bryan that I was really enjoying our day out after all. In my defense and so you don't think I am completely crazy for taking sick girls shopping, this is the first time any of our girls have had the flu. They have thrown up here and there but never the flu, so I was expecting it to be like before and everyone would be better soon. That is not how it went. I could not keep Ellia from the food and a drink and the whole time she was eating I was praying that she wouldn't throw up in the mall.

 Cassia was so sick that she didn't even want anything.  Just some snuggle time with Daddy. The other girls were so busy talking about going on the carousel ride that they didn't even notice anything else. They were busy figuring out who was going on what horse and what the horses looked like. They did realize that Cassia would not be joining them, and were only all the more happy because I said we would have to come back another time. It was so cute to see them so excited.
 Our little man, oh ,what a boy! I love him so much and it helps so much that he is so good!! He slept or was passed around between all of us who could carry him. The girls and I had fun looking for bargains and deciding what we liked and if we really needed it!! I can see many more fun shopping adventures with these girls and little man. We are gonna raise Joel up to be a very understanding husband!!
 Finally the time came for the carousel ride. They were so happy and I was rather happy that it only cost $1 a child. Daddy helped them on and then they rode by themselves. The last time we tried this Victoria was 3 years old and she cried the whole time! This was a much better experience. They loved it! Just imagine them chattering away to each other very excitedly!
 The icing on the cake was the stamp they got getting off the horses!! Of course they all wanted to go back on again! But we had a little more shopping to do. We managed to hit 2 more stores loading everyone in and out (it sure was nice having Bryan there to help!). Then we headed back home. My prayers were answered, no one threw up in the stores, but Ellia did throw up twice on the way home! I had a lot of laundry to do once I got home. I had used up all the extra clothes I had brought and a whole roll of paper towels. I really did enjoy the trip, despite the throwing up. I was ready to get everyone cleaned up and off to bed once were home.

 Sunday morning, the 2 youngest girls are still sick and I am not feeling well either. I have a horrible headache because my neck and back are so stiff from carrying Joel. He is a content, but heavy baby and I am not use to carrying him around. I am looking forward to my chiro appointment on Tuesday!
The girls are really not feeling well, Ellia has been throwing up all day. I keep telling myself not to let her eat or drink anything but she looks so pitiful that I end up giving in. I just put her to bed so I will no longer be tempted. They really did get the flu this time, fever and diarrhea and it is lasting a couple days. I am wondering if Victoria and Alicia will get it on Tuesday. I just really hope Joel doesn't get it.
 So that was our first adventure to a big mall and having the flu. Next time I think I will stay home when one of the girls starts throwing up.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Here are a few pictures from life here at our house. Here are my 2 monkeys Cassia and Ellia. They sure are busier then my 1st 3 girls. Especially Ellia, she seems to get into everything, and likes to take off. She made our trip to Toronto a little more difficult. They are both so cute though, so it makes it all worth it! They bring so much life to our family! They have such cute smiles too! The girls always love playing in the laundry baskets. Ellia was especially happy as she was running around with just a diaper on, I was in the middle of getting her ready for bed. Notice her beloved 'blankie' in the basket with her. She is our first child to take her blankie every where.
 My oldest and youngest! What a great helper Victoria is! About 2 weeks ago she started carrying Joel around and getting him out of his bed for me. She is always willing to help care for her brother! It sure is nice having older girls to help out this time around!
 Trying to get a picture of all 6 munchkins is pretty hard. Well, mostly it is Ellia that makes it to hard. She doesn't want anything to do with sitting for a picture.

Things continue to go well, but busy here. Joel is 15lbs now and he was getting up only once a night for a few nights, now that has changed. He continues to be very content. I love having a boy, I know I always said it didn't matter not having a boy, but now that I have one I couldn't imagine life without him! It is different having a boy, my feelings are different towards him and I think differently about him. Right now he is 'my' little man, but I know his daddy is looking forward to his turn as Joel grows. And as much as Bryan always said he wanted just girls, I know he is very proud of Joel and loves to show him off! Ofcourse he would never admit it!

 Off to those duties I mentioned before, Joel is crying and supper needs to be made, I should also get the dishes cleared off the table from lunch, my girl who usually does it is laying on the couch with a fever and having a nap for the 2nd time today. I hope it is nothing serious. Moriah had a fever on Sunday but was herself again on Monday.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Our First Son
Joel Emerson
Born: January 18, 2013
Weighing: 10lbs.
Length: 22in.

Joel is 6 weeks in this picture! He is the sweetest and cutest and best baby ever! He is so content and easy going and we love him so very much!!

First family picture, it sure is hard to get a good picture of all 8 of us! We were in Toronto last weekend for Bryan's work. We had a lot of fun and since Joel is so easy going I even had a good time!

 Today we had the internet brought to our house!! I am pretty excited to be back on line at home! I hope to update more often!! But I do have to still clean the house, homeschool 4 girls, make meals and wash clothes!! :-)