It has been awhile since I last updated, probably because I have been busier then I ever remember! I am also exhausted and ready for all this moving to be done! The official move date is this Saturday, the painting went faster then I thought and we have already moved over half our stuff, so the last of it will go on Saturday. I have been so busy painting and cleaning, organizing and packing. I miss having everything in one house and am so ready to move into our new house! I have had some help and am so grateful for it, especially to those who took care of my girls while I was working on the house. It is so much easier to get things done without worrying about the girls.
We also celebrated Victoria's 6Th birthday on the weekend and she had her first birthday party on Saturday. I kept asking myself why I decided to do a birthday party when we were in the middle of moving!! It sure gave me me some extra work, but it was fun too!
Our house here in Chatham is looking very empty, no pictures on the walls and some furniture gone. The more we move to the new house the more I wonder how it is going to all fit! I guess we will have to see once we get it all there.
Today my grandparents watched the girls! I am always so amazed at the energy they have to take care of the girls! They even took all 4 girls to McDonald's! I do believe they are enjoying their great grandchildren even more then their grandchildren! I hope I have the energy and time and great grandchildren near by, to enjoy when I am their age!
Well, I should get some work done here, I really will be so happy to live in one house and have only one house to take care of!!
The next time I post will be from our new house, though I do have to call to change our Internet service and hopefully we can get high speed at our new house!! :-)
Oh, the pregnancy is going well and I am feeling much better. I did throw up this morning but that was because I did not take my diclecton last night and I took Bryan to work this morning and didn't have something to eat right away. Tomorrow I am going for my 21 week(half way, I am planning on a 42 week pregnancy as I am always 10 days late) ultrasound and we talked about finding out the gender, but have decided to wait until baby is born. Bryan doesn't want to know because then he thinks it won't be as exciting and I don't want to find out because I am afraid that if it is a boy I will be a little disappointed. I know that once the baby is born I will be thrilled with a boy of a girl! So for now the gender of this, our 5Th child will remain unknown!! We still don't have any names picked out, but I do have a girls name I like, Bryan just isn't so sure! I am looking forward to seeing the baby tomorrow, it will be a nice break from all the business!